form_set_error('feeds][FeedsFileFetcher][source',t("The file needs to reside within the site's files directory, its path needs to start with scheme://. Available schemes: @schemes.",array('@schemes'=>implode(', ',$this->config['allowed_schemes']))));
form_set_error('feeds][FeedsFileFetcher][source',t("The file needs to reside within the site's files directory, its path needs to start with scheme://. Available schemes: @schemes.",array('@schemes'=>implode(', ',$this->config['allowed_schemes']))));
// Check wether the given path exists.
// Check whether the given path is readable.
form_set_error('feeds][FeedsFileFetcher][source',t('The specified file or directory does not exist.'));
form_set_error('feeds][FeedsFileFetcher][source',t('The specified file or directory does not exist.'));