- Sep 29, 2010
Alex Barth authored
- DRUPAL-7--1-0-alpha2 http://github.com/lxbarth/feeds/tree/DRUPAL-7--1-0-alpha2 and - DRUPAL-7--2-0-alpha1 http://github.com/lxbarth/feeds/tree/DRUPAL-7--2-0-alpha1
- Sep 17, 2010
Alex Barth authored
- Sep 15, 2010
Alex Barth authored
#908964 alex_b: Break out scheduler. Note: Features depends on Job Scheduler module now: http://drupal.org/project/job_scheduler .
- Jul 27, 2010
Alex Barth authored
#851194: Featurize. Replace feeds_defaults with feeds_fast_news, feeds_import, feeds_news. Needs more testing especially of upgrade path.