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  • 1033202-entity-processor
  • 6.x-1.x
  • 7.x-1.x
  • 7.x-2.0-alpha7-uw_wcms
  • 7.x-2.0-alpha9-branch
  • 7.x-2.0-beta1-uw_wcms
  • 7.x-2.0-beta4-uw_wcms
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  • twistor-multilang
  • 8.x-3.0-beta2
  • 8.x-3.0-beta1
  • 7.x-2.0-beta6
  • 8.x-3.0-alpha11
  • previous/2938505-custom-source-plugin-type-2/2021-08-05
  • previous/2938505-custom-source-plugin-type-2/2021-04-28
  • 8.x-3.0-alpha10
  • previous/3193092-expire-functionality-broken/2021-02-04
  • 7.x-2.0-beta5
  • 8.x-3.0-alpha9
  • 8.x-3.0-alpha8
  • 7.x-2.0-beta4-uw_wcms1
  • 8.x-3.0-alpha7
  • 8.x-3.0-alpha6
  • 7.x-2.0-alpha7-uw_wcms1
  • 8.x-3.0-alpha5
  • 8.x-3.0-alpha4
  • 8.x-3.0-alpha3
  • 8.x-3.0-alpha2
  • 8.x-3.0-alpha1
32 results
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Created with Raphaël 2.2.06Jun26May17151311104222Apr1426Mar171520Feb126330Jan292229Dec28181622Nov212021Oct1628Aug5131Jul2228Apr201910130Mar21421Feb18431Jan281617Dec15Nov141Oct6Sep28Aug20121012Jul25Jun431May19187530Apr191612929Mar252221120Feb151322Jan1223Nov10724Oct14131210727Sep8520Aug11826Jul17May54215Apr1311109314Feb65229Jan20928Dec2720181325Nov221218Oct730Sep29630Aug2516115Jul9719Jun161098724May107330Apr2928271531Mar87310Feb86231Jan30292625242228Nov1816428Oct624Sep9Jul217Jun22May1198330Apr262322131098765428Mar252115141185226Feb181711422Jan15830Dec2124Nov13121029Oct18426Aug530Jul2827262421201912930Jun26171614430May292614527Apr161530Mar2921Feb54225Jan17630Dec272423138624Nov15130Oct2517121129Sep252113121015Aug22Jul141272130Jun242322191817161543130May23208729Apr23151016Jan1523Dec1510982124Nov5431Oct30201716Issue #3073275 by MegaChriz, paulocs, irinaz, Kristen Pol, bwong: Added a mapping target for books.Issue #3260298 by MegaChriz, dspachos, paulocs, interlated: Provide an indicator when the same target field is mapped twice.Issue #3261348 by MegaChriz: Fixed EmptyFeedException in FeedsQueueExecutable not catched, causing to fill up the log. Don't unlock the feed in case of other exceptions during cron imports - to prevent some simultaneous imports of the same feed.Issue #3241079 by Odai Atieh: Use batch API for "feeds:import-all" Drush command.Issue #2939688 by bruno.bicudo, MegaChriz: Use logger instead of exceptions in FeedsDrushCommands.Issue #3248925 by MegaChriz, bruno.bicudo, aldairsoares: Use dependency injection in Feeds test modules.Issue #2904668 by MegaChriz, bruno.bicudo, vsujeetkumar, mrinalini9, WagnerMelo, chegor, sportch: Explain why a feed type cannot be deleted in the UI.Issue #3248925 by MegaChriz, bruno.bicudo, Maithri Shetty, tmaiochi: Use dependency injection in DefaultEntityProcessorForm.Issue #3248925 by MegaChriz, bruno.bicudo: Added test coverage for creating and editing feed types in the MegaChriz: only call apcu_clear_cache() in FeedsUninstallTest if function exists (fixes test failure on PHP 8).Issue #2939688 by bruno.bicudo, MegaChriz: Fixed a few coding standards issues.Issue #3264354 by sker101: Fixed importing and updating existing users leaves duplicated roles in the database.Issue #3092823 by MegaChriz: Fixed uninstalling modules that provide third party configuration (such as Feeds Tamper) will result into feeds type getting deleted.Issue #3228678 by MegaChriz: Updated admin links for Admin Toolbar 2.x/3.x.Issue #3261968 by MegaChriz: Clean up key_value and queues upon uninstall.Issue #3276521 by szato: Make view display configurable of "Items imported".Issue #3261188 by MegaChriz: added note to add return types to \Drupal\feeds\Component\CsvParser methods as soon as Drupal 9 is no longer supported.Issue #3261188 by MegaChriz, joelpittet, modestmoes, Beanjammin, ramil g: PHP 8.0/8.1 compatibility for Feeds 8.x-3.xIssue #3257379 by rang501: Skip call to function libxml_disable_entity_loader() on PHP8 since it is deprecated.Issue #3266704 by MegaChriz: Fixed PHP 8.1: do not pass null to Html::escape() and Unicode::truncate().Issue #3267244 by jmcerda, MegaChriz, tmaiochi: Fixed passing null to trim() in \Drupal\feeds\Plugin\Field\FieldType\FeedsItem::preSave().Issue #3266706 by jsidigital, MegaChriz, jmcerda: PHP 8.1 support - Made CleanState compatible with IteratorAggregate.Issue #3263399 by MegaChriz, loopy1492: Fixed "New Source" option gone when using a parser that does not extend ParserBase.8.x-3.0-beta18.x-3.0-beta1Issue #3261333 by joelpittet, MegaChriz: Fixed most Drupal 9.3 deprecations.Issue #3261958 by MegaChriz: Drupal\feeds\FeedStorage does not implement Drupal\Core\Entity\ContentEntityStorageInterfaceIssue #3255000 by ershov.andrey: Do not reset queued time for un-queued feeds in feeds_cron().Issue #3259284 by shreyal999, MegaChriz: Renamed test to fix instantiation of deprecated class Drupal\feeds\Zend\Extension\Georss\Entry.Issue #3258997 by jastraat, Kristen Pol, MegaChriz: Added media description as a feeds source for the RSS/Atom parser.Issue #3261559 by SadySierralta, MegaChriz: Added primary key to feeds_clean_list table.Issue #3136344 by DigantDj, MegaChriz, Kristen Pol: Added permissions for edit and delete own feeds and feed items.Issue #3255551 by Cottser, irinaz, MegaChriz: Allow users with 'access feed overview' and without 'administer feeds' to see the feed type name on the feed listing (/admin/content/feed).Issue #3259633 by MegaChriz, dspachos: Added dependency injection for FeedsDrushCommands class.Issue #3166456 by govind.maloo, lolcode, ramil g: Added "Unlock" to the operations menu on the main Feeds page.Issue #2938505 by MegaChriz, thursday_bw, irinaz, vchen, jwineichen, jamesdixon, mattshoaf: Added UI for editing and removing custom sources, introducing custom sources types "CSV" and "Blank".Fix \r line endings that don't have support in PHP 87.x-2.0-beta6 7…7.x-2.0-beta6 7.x-2.xRemove explicit version ctools test dependencyRemove duplicate array keyFix failing testsIssue #3254188: PHP 8.0 compatibilityIssue #3254188 by joelpittet, MegaChriz, frank.schram: PHP 8.0 compatibility