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/* $Id$ */

 * @file
 * GMap Filters is a module to include Google Map in a module
 * GMap filter allows the insertion of a googlemap in a module.  It has
 * a page to creat a macro and then a filter to convet the macro into the
 * html and javascript code required to insert a google map.

function gmap_help($section) {
  switch ($section) {
    case 'admin/modules#description':
      return t('Filter to allow insertion of a google map into a node');
    case 'admin/help#gmap':
      return t('<p>This is a module to allow creation and insertion of a google map into a node. ');


function gmap_perm() {
  return array('create macro', 'override defaults');

 * Returns the html required to insert a map from a gmap associative array.
 * @param $gmap
 * An associative array with the following variables set:
 *  id - the id of the map every map on a page must have a unique id
 *  width - width of the map
 *  height - height of the map
 *  latlong - a string of the latitude and longitude of the centre of the map
 *  zoom - the zoom factor of the google map
 *  align - the alignment of the map 'right', 'left' or 'center'
 *  control - the control shown on the map 'Large', 'Small', or 'None'
 *  type - 'Map', 'Hybrid' or 'Satellite'
 *  points - a string of points to mark on the map with + between each point
 *  Note: that this procedure does no security checking and will insert most of the strings into
 *        script and that this will be in a <script> block so it could be used to insert javascript
 *        into the page.  If the variables are set by users it is recommended that you use gmap_satitize() first.
 * @return
 * A string with the google map ready to be inserted into a node.

function gmap_from_var ($gmap) {
    (!isset($gmap['width'])) ? $gmap['width']=variable_get('gmap_default_width', 300): NULL;
    (!isset($gmap['height'])) ? $gmap['height']=variable_get('gmap_default_height', 200):NULL;
    (!isset($gmap['latlong'])) ? $gmap['latlong']=variable_get('gmap_default_latlong', '-123.1, 49.2'):NULL;
    (!isset($gmap['zoom'])) ? $gmap['zoom']=variable_get('gmap_default_zoom', 7):NULL;
    (!isset($gmap['align'])) ? $gmap['align']='':NULL;
    (!isset($gmap['id'])) ? $gmap['id']='map':NULL;
    (!isset($gmap['control'])) ? $gmap['control']='Small':NULL;
    (!isset($gmap['type'])) ? $gmap['type']='Map':NULL;

    if (strlen($gmap['align'])>1) {
      $gmap['align']=' ALIGN="'.$gmap['align'].'"';

    $outtext='<div id="'.$gmap['id'].'" style="width: '.$gmap['width'].'px; height: '.$gmap['height'].'px"'.$gmap['align'].'></div>
              <style type="text/css">
                 v\:* {
              <script type="text/javascript">
              function gmap_load_'.$gmap['id'].'() {
                var '.$gmap['id'].' = new GMap(document.getElementById("'.$gmap['id'].'"));
                 '.$gmap['id'].'.centerAndZoom(new GPoint('.$gmap['latlong'].'), '.$gmap['zoom'].');
    switch (strtolower($gmap['control'])) {
      case 'small':
        $outtext .='var mycontrol=new GSmallMapControl();
      case 'large':
      $outtext .='var mycontrol=new GLargeMapControl();

    $outext .= $gmap['id'].'.centerAndZoom(new GPoint('.$gmap['latlong'].'), '.$gmap['zoom'].');';
    if (isset($gmap['points'])) {
      $points = explode('+',$gmap['points']);
      foreach ($points as $value) {
        $outtext .="\n".$gmap['id'].'.addOverlay(new GMarker(new GPoint('.$value.')));';
    if (isset($gmap['line1'])) {
      $line1 = explode('+',$gmap['line1']);
      $line1txt ='';
      foreach ($line1 as $value) {
        if (strlen($line1txt)>0) {
          $line1txt .= ', ';
        $line1txt .="new GPoint($value)";
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      $outtext .="\n".$gmap['id'].".addOverlay(new GPolyline([$line1txt],'".variable_get('gmap_default_line1_color', '#00cc00')."',5));";
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    if (isset($gmap['line2'])) {
      $line2 = explode('+',$gmap['line2']);
      $line2txt ='';
      foreach ($line2 as $value) {
        if (strlen($line2txt)>0) {
          $line2txt .= ', ';
        $line2txt .="new GPoint($value)";
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      $outtext .="\n".$gmap['id'].".addOverlay(new GPolyline([$line2txt],'".variable_get('gmap_default_line2_color', '#ff0000')."',5));";
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    if (isset($gmap['line3'])) {
      $line3 = explode('+',$gmap['line3']);
      $line3txt ='';
      foreach ($line3 as $value) {
        if (strlen($line3txt)>0) {
          $line3txt .= ', ';
        $line3txt .="new GPoint($value)";
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      $outtext .="\n".$gmap['id'].".addOverlay(new GPolyline([$line3txt],'".variable_get('gmap_default_line3_color', '#0000ff')."',5));";
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    $outtext .="\n } \n".'  //]]>
    return $outtext;

 * Cleans the gmap variables to prevent javascript interjection
 * @param $gmap
 * A Gmap variable
 * @return
 * A GMap variable with any dangerous text removed

function gmap_sanitize($gmap){
  //sanitizes the gmap variables to reduce the possibility of javascript inserts
  foreach ($gmap as $key=>$value) {
    if ($key='id') {
      preg_match('([a-zA-Z1-9_-]*)', $value,$out);
    else {
  return $gmap;

 * Returns the html required to insert a map from a gmap associative array.
 * @param $instring
 * A string with the settings of gmap insertion in the format var=setting|var2=setting2
 *  The possible variables are
 *  id - the id of the map every map on a page must have a unique id
 *  width - width of the map
 *  height - height of the map
 *  latlong - a string of the latitude and longitude of the centre of the map
 *  zoom - the zoom factor of the google map
 *  align - the alignment of the map 'right', 'left' or 'center'
 *  control - the control shown on the map 'Large', 'Small', or 'None'
 *  type - 'Map', 'Hybrid' or 'Satellite'
 *  points - a string of points to mark on the map with + between each point
 * @return
 * A string with the google map ready to be inserted into a node.

function gmap_from_text($instring) {
  $statements=explode('|', $instring);
  while (isset($statements[$j])) {
    $t=explode('=', $statements[$j],2);
    $gmap[trim($t[0])] = trim($t[1]);
  $outtext = gmap_from_var($gmap);
//  $outtext .= "\nIn gmap_from_text ($instring)\n". print_r($gmap,true);
  return $outtext;

function _gmap_prepare($intext) {
  $mapexp = '/\[gmap([^\[\]]+ )* \] /x';
  preg_match_all($mapexp, $intext, $matches);

  while (isset($matches[1][$i])) {
    $out[0][$i] = $matches[0][$i];
    $out[1][$i] = gmap_from_text($matches[1][$i]);
  } // endwhile process macro
  return $out;

function gmap_filter($op, $delta = 0, $format = -1, $text = '') {
  switch ($op) {
    case 'list':
      return (array(0 => t('GMap filter')));

    case 'name':
      return t('Google map filter');

    case 'description':
      return t('converts a google map  macro into the html required for inserting a google map.');
    case 'process':
      $gmaps=_gmap_prepare($text);   //returns an array of $tables[0] = table macro $table[1]= table html
      if ($gmaps) {                    // there are table macros in this node
        return str_replace($gmaps[0], $gmaps[1], $text);
      else {
        return $text;

    case 'prepare':
      return $text;


function gmap_filter_tips($delta, $format, $long = false) {
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  return t('Insert Google Map macro. <a href="gmapmacro" target="_blank" >Create a macro</a>');
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function gmap_menu($may_cache) {

  if ($may_cache) {
   $items[] = array('path' => 'gmapmacro',
                    'title' => t('Create a Google Map Macro'),
                    'access' => user_access('create macro'),
                    'callback' => 'gmap_macro_page' );
  if (!$may_cache) {
    $header_text="\n".'<script src="'.variable_get('googlemap_api_key', 'abcdef').'" type="text/javascript"></script>
                 <script language="javascript">
                 var gmap_torun= new Array();
                 // note: this is required due to a bug with IE
                   function gmap_onload() {
                     for (i=0; i < gmap_torun.length; i++) {
                  // ]]>
  return $items;

function gmap_onload() {
  return array('gmap_onload()');

function gmap_settings() {
  //note the same google api key variable name as in the googlemap module is used
  $output  = form_textfield(t('Google API Key'), 'googlemap_api_key', variable_get('googlemap_api_key', 'abcdef'), 30, 255, t('Your personal Googlemaps API key.  You must get this for each separate website at <a href="">Google Map API website</a>.'));
  $output .= form_textfield(t('Default width'), 'gmap_default_width', variable_get('gmap_default_width', 300), 30,4,t('The default width of a Google map.'));
  $output .= form_textfield(t('Default height'), 'gmap_default_height', variable_get('gmap_default_height', 200), 30,4,t('The default height of a Google map.'));
  $output .= form_textfield(t('Default center'), 'gmap_default_latlong', variable_get('gmap_default_latlong', '-123.1, 49.2'), 30,120,t('The default latitude, longitude of a Google map.'));
  $output .= form_textfield(t('Default zoom'), 'gmap_default_zoom', variable_get('gmap_default_zoom', 7), 30,2,t('The default zoom level of a Google map.'));
  $output .= form_select(t('Default Control type'), 'gmap_map_control', variable_get('gmap_default_control', 'Small'), array('None'=>t('None'), 'Small'=>t('Small'), 'Large'=>t('Large')),t('The default control type for the map.'));
  $output .= form_select(t('Default map type'), 'gmap_map_type', variable_get('gmap_default_type', 'Map'),array('Map'=>t('Map'), 'Hybrid'=>t('Hybrid'), 'Satellite'=>t('Satellite')),t('The default map type.'));
  $output .= form_textfield(t('Line1 color'), 'gmap_line1_color', variable_get('gmap_default_line1_color', '#00cc00'), 30,7);
  $output .= form_textfield(t('Line2 color'), 'gmap_line2_color', variable_get('gmap_default_line2_color', '#ff0000'), 30,7);
  $output .= form_textfield(t('Line3 color'), 'gmap_line3_color', variable_get('gmap_default_line3_color', '#0000ff'), 30,7);
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  return $output;

 * Creates a page that has all of the javascript required for the macro-creation tool.

function gmap_macro_page() {
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   $line_colour=array(1=>variable_get('gmap_default_line1_color', '#00cc00'), variable_get('gmap_default_line2_color', '#ff0000'),variable_get('gmap_default_line3_color', '#0000ff'));
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  (isset($_REQUEST['width'])) ? $newwidth=$_REQUEST['width'] : $newwidth= variable_get('gmap_default_width', 300);
  (isset($_REQUEST['height'])) ? $newheight=$_REQUEST['height'] : $newheight= variable_get('gmap_default_height', 200);
  (isset($_REQUEST['latlong'])) ? $newlatlong=$_REQUEST['latlong'] : $newlatlong= variable_get('gmap_default_latlong', '-123.1, 49.2');
  (isset($_REQUEST['zoom'])) ? $newzoom=$_REQUEST['zoom'] : $newzoom= variable_get('gmap_default_zoom', 7);
  (isset($_REQUEST['control'])) ? $newcontrol=$_REQUEST['control'] : $newcontrol= variable_get('gmap_default_control', 'Small');
  $control=''; $small=''; $large='';
  $none= ($newcontrol=='None') ? 'SELECTED ' :'';
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  $initiate = "//initiate variables\n";
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  if ($newcontrol=='Small') {
    $small = 'SELECTED ';
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    $initiate .=  "map.addControl(new GSmallMapControl());\n";
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  if ($newcontrol=='Large') {
    $large = 'SELECTED ';
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    $initiate .=  "map.addControl(new GLargeMapControl());\n";
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  for ($i=1; $i<=3; $i++) {
    if (isset($_REQUEST['point'.$i]) && strlen($_REQUEST['point'.$i])>0) {
      $initiate .= 'point'.$i.'overlay=new GMarker(new GPoint('.$_REQUEST['point'.$i].'));'."\n";
      $initiate .= 'map.addOverlay(point'.$i.'overlay);'."\n";
    else {

    if (isset($_REQUEST['line'.$i]) && strlen($_REQUEST['line'.$i])>0) {
      $initiate .= 'line'.$i.'overlay = new GPolyline([new GPoint('.str_replace(' + ','), new GPoint(',$newline[$i]).')],"'.$line_colour[$i].'", 5);'."\n";
      $initiate .= 'map.addOverlay(line'.$i.'overlay);'."\n";
    else {

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  $output='<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" "">
<html xmlns="" xmlns:v="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:vml">
    <title>GMap Macro Creator</title>
    <script src="'.variable_get('googlemap_api_key', 'abcdef').'" type="text/javascript"></script>
    <style type="text/css">
      v\:* {
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      body {
        font-family: Helvetica, Arial, Lucida, Verdana, sans-serif;
      h1 {
        font-size: 1.2em;
        font-weight: 700;
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  <body onload="makemacro(); gmapload();">
    <h1>GMap Macro creation tool</h1>
    <p>Using the controls on this page, set the map as to how you would like it to appear and then use the gmap macro filter to insert this
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    into a node.  Select the contents of the macro form (by clicking on macro text field) and then copy and paste it into a node where the
    gmap filter has been enabled.
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    <p><div id="map" style="width: '.$newwidth.'px; height: '.$newheight.'px"></div>
    <script type="text/javascript">

    function makemacro() {
      var zooml = \' |zoom=\' + document.gmapform.zoom.value;
      var center = \' |latlong=\' + document.gmapform.latlong.value;
      var width = \' |width=\' + document.gmapform.width.value;
      var height = \' |height=\' + document.gmapform.height.value;
      var id = \' |id=\' +;
      var control = \' |control=\' + document.gmapform.controltype.value;
      var type = \' |type=\' + document.gmapform.maptype.value;
      var alignment = \' |align=\' + document.gmapform.alignment.value;
      if (document.gmapform.point1.value.length >0) {var points = \' |points=\' + document.gmapform.point1.value} else points=\'\';
      if (document.gmapform.point2.value.length >0) {points += \' + \' + document.gmapform.point2.value};
      if (document.gmapform.point3.value.length >0) {points += \' + \' + document.gmapform.point3.value};
      if (document.gmapform.line1.value.length >0) {var line1 = \' |line1=\' + document.gmapform.line1.value} else line1=\'\';
      if (document.gmapform.line2.value.length >0) {var line2 = \' |line2=\' + document.gmapform.line2.value} else line2=\'\';
      if (document.gmapform.line3.value.length >0) {var line3 = \' |line3=\' + document.gmapform.line3.value} else line3=\'\';

      document.gmapform.macro.value = \'[gmap\' + id + center + zooml + width + height +  alignment + control + type + points + line1 + line2 + line3 + \']\';
function mapat(instring) {
     var splitstring=instring.split(",");
     map.centerAtLatLng(new GPoint(splitstring[0],splitstring[1]));

function docontrol(incontrol) {
     if (incontrol == "Small") map.addControl(mycontrol = new GSmallMapControl());
     if (incontrol == "Large") map.addControl(mycontrol = new GLargeMapControl());

function changetype(intype) {
    if (intype == "Map") map.setMapType(G_MAP_TYPE);
    if (intype == "Hybrid") map.setMapType(G_HYBRID_TYPE);
    if (intype == "Satellite") map.setMapType(G_SATELLITE_TYPE);
var map=null;
var mycontrol=null;
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var point1overlay=null; var point2overlay=null; var point3overlay=null;
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var line1overlay=null;  var line1points=new Array(); var line1string=new String();
var line2overlay=null;  var line2points=new Array(); var line2string=new String();
var line3overlay=null;  var line3points=new Array(); var line3string=new String();

    function gmapload() {
      if (GBrowserIsCompatible()) {
        map = new GMap(document.getElementById("map"));

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        map.centerAndZoom(new GPoint('.$newlatlong.'), '.$newzoom.');
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        GEvent.addListener(map, "moveend", function() {
          var center = map.getCenterLatLng();
          var latLngStr = center.x + \', \' + center.y ;
          document.gmapform.latlong.value = latLngStr;

        GEvent.addListener(map, "zoom", function() {
          var zooml = map.getZoomLevel();
          document.gmapform.zoom.value = zooml;
          document.gmapform.latlong.value = latLngStr;

        GEvent.addListener(map, \'click\', function(overlay, point) {

          if (overlay) {
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            if (overlay==point1overlay) {
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            if (overlay==point2overlay) {
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            if (overlay==point3overlay) {
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          else if (point) {
            if (document.gmapform.clicktype.value==\'Points\') {
              map.addOverlay(marker=new GMarker(point));
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              if (point2overlay) {
                if (point3overlay!=false) {
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              if (point1overlay) {
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              point1overlay = marker;
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              document.gmapform.point1.value=point.x + \',\' + point.y ;
            else if (document.gmapform.clicktype.value==\'Line1\') {
              if (line1overlay) map.removeOverlay(line1overlay);
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              line1overlay=new GPolyline(line1points,"'.$line_colour[1].'", 5);
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              if (line1string.length > 0) line1string += \' + \';
              line1string += point.x + \',\' + point.y;
              document.gmapform.line1.value = line1string;
            else if (document.gmapform.clicktype.value==\'Line2\') {
              if (line2overlay) map.removeOverlay(line2overlay);
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              line2overlay=new GPolyline(line2points,"'.$line_colour[2].'", 5);
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              if (line2string.length > 0) line2string += \' + \';
              line2string += point.x + \',\' + point.y;
              document.gmapform.line2.value = line2string;
            else if (document.gmapform.clicktype.value==\'Line3\') {
              if (line3overlay) map.removeOverlay(line3overlay);
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              line3overlay=new GPolyline(line3points,"'.$line_colour[3].'", 5);
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              if (line3string.length > 0) line3string += \' + \';
              line3string += point.x + \',\' + point.y;
              document.gmapform.line3.value = line3string;


    <form action="gmapmacro" name="gmapform" method="post">
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      <tr><td><a title="When multiple maps are to be shown on the same page, each one must have a unique id.">ID:</a></td><td><input type="text" size="25" name="id" value="map"  onchange="makemacro(); " />
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          <td>Map type:</td><td><SELECT NAME="maptype" onchange="changetype(document.gmapform.maptype.value);">
                                  <OPTION VALUE="Map" />Map
                                  <OPTION VALUE="Hybrid" />Hybrid
                                  <OPTION VALUE="Satellite" />Satellite
                                </SELECT> </td> </tr>
      <tr><td>Lat,Long:</td><td colspan=3><input type="text" size="50" name="latlong" value="'.$newlatlong.'" onchange="mapat(document.gmapform.latlong.value); " />  </td>
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      <tr><td><a title="Map size, page must be reloaded to change map size">Width:</a></td><td><input type="text" size="25" name="width" value="'.$newwidth.'" /></td>
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          <td>Alignment:</td><td><SELECT NAME="alignment" onchange="makemacro();">
                                  <OPTION VALUE="None" />None
                                  <OPTION VALUE="Right" />Right
                                  <OPTION VALUE="Left" />Left
                                  <OPTION VALUE="Center" />Center

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      <tr><td><a title="Map size, page must be reloaded to change map size">Height:</a></td><td><input type="text" size="25" name="height" value="'.$newheight.'" />  </td>
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          <td>Controls:</td><td><SELECT NAME="controltype" onchange="docontrol(document.gmapform.controltype.value);">
                                  <OPTION VALUE="None" '.$none.'/>None
                                  <OPTION VALUE="Small" '.$small.'/>Small
                                  <OPTION VALUE="Large" '.$large.'/>Large

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      <tr><td><a title="What happens when you click on the map">Click type:</a></td><td><SELECT NAME="clicktype" >
                                  <OPTION VALUE="Points" TITLE="Add Marker to map"/>Points
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                                  <OPTION VALUE="Line1" />Line1
                                  <OPTION VALUE="Line2" />Line2
                                  <OPTION VALUE="Line3" />Line3
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                                </SELECT> </td>
          <td><a title="The current magnification of the map">Magnification:</a></td><td><input type="text" size="5" name="zoom" value="'.$newzoom.'"  onchange="map.zoomTo(document.gmapform.zoom.value); " />  </td></tr>
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      <!-- tr><td>point1:</td><td colspan=3 --><input type="hidden" size="50" name="point1" value="'.$newpoint[1].'" /><!-- /td>
      <tr><td>point2:</td><td colspan=3 --><input type="hidden" size="50" name="point2" value="'.$newpoint[2].'" />  <!-- /td>
      <tr><td>point3:</td><td colspan=3 --><input type="hidden" size="50" name="point3" value="'.$newpoint[3].'" />  <!-- /td>
      <tr><td>line1:</td><td colspan=3 --><input type="hidden" size="50" name="line1" value="'.$newline[1].'" />  <!-- /td>
      <tr><td>line2:</td><td colspan=3 --><input type="hidden" size="50" name="line2" value="'.$newline[2].'" />  <!-- /td>
      <tr><td>line3:</td><td colspan=3 --><input type="hidden" size="50" name="line3" value="'.$newline[3].'" />  <!-- /td-->
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    <textarea name="macro" cols="60" rows="10" onclick=";">
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    <p><INPUT type="submit" value="Reload to resize map" title="Only reload to resize map, some settings may be lost"></p>
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</html> ';
  print $output;
