This new version of gmap.module has quite a few changes from the 4.7 version. It is also a transitional version
as there are probably likely to be some new changes in the future.
It now uses the location.module tables for storing the user location information. Unfortunately it is not
compatible with the location.module's own user loction information. It is recommended that until this is
fixed, location.module and the user functionality of gmap.module not be used together.
There is some new functionality added to location.module's node location api. A patch will be available for that will allow you to set the location latitude and longitude with an interactive gmap.
One of the current problems with this functionality, is that google maps doesn't like the collapsable forms
and thinks it is a zero sized map. If you drag the map, it will resize to the current size.
The other big change is that the gmap script now uses v2 of the google Maps API. The most significant change
of this is that google maps has switched the order of coordinates from 'longitude, latitude' to
'latitude,longitude'. Any existing google map macros that use the old format can still be used, but the macro
must be edited to start with '[gmap1'
It should be noted that xmaps is not compatible with the v2 of the google maps API and therefore, all of the
functionality associated with it has been turned off.