Andriy Podanenko http://druler.com authoredAndriy Podanenko http://druler.com authored
gmap.php 2.20 KiB
* @file
* GMap plugin API.
* @addtogroup hooks
* @{
* Change the way gmap works.
* @param $op
* The operation to be performed. Possible values:
* - "macro": Add macro behaviors (Not well documented yet...)
* - "pre_theme_map": A map is being themed. This is a good place to
* drupal_add_js() any additional files needed to run the map in question.
* - "macro_multiple": Add macro behaviors (Not well documented yet...)
* - "behaviors": Define behavior flags used in your code.
* @param $map
* For the "pre_theme_map" operation, the map being themed. Not used in
* other operations.
* @return
* This varies depending on the operation.
* - "macro": An associative array. The keys are the macro keys, the values
* are an array of flags for that macro key:
* "multiple": This key can appear multiple times in a macro.
* - "pre_theme_map": None.
* - "macro_multiple": An array of macro keys that can appear multiple times.
* (Oops, this appears to be redundant... Look into this. --Bdragon)
* - "behaviors": An associative array. The keys are the names of the behavior
* flags, and the values are associative arrays in the following format:
* - "title": The title to show on the settings page.
* - "default": The default state of the flag.
* - "help": A description of the flag to show on the settings page.
* - "internal": If TRUE, the flag will be marked as map specific, and
* will not be stored in the defaults.
function hook_gmap($op, &$map) {
switch ($op) {
case 'macro':
return array(
'feed' => array(
'multiple' => TRUE,
case 'pre_theme_map':
$path = drupal_get_path('module', 'gmap') . '/js/';
if (is_array($map['feed'])) {
drupal_add_js($path . 'markerloader_georss.js');
case 'macro_multiple':
return array('feed');
case 'behaviors':
return array(
'nomousezoom' => array(
'title' => t('Disable mousezoom'),
'default' => FALSE,
'help' => t('Disable using the scroll wheel to zoom the map.'),
* @} End of "addtogroup hooks".