@@ -451,28 +476,148 @@ Addon modules can add more types of overlays.
The name of the icon set to use (String)
<dd>The name of the icon set to use (String)</dd>
Marker icons are located in the GMap module's 'markers' directory.
GMap reads the .ini files to find available markers.
"Light Blue"
Some marker sets
sequential markers are available; for example, if the markername is set to "number", then the icons in the marker directory named 'number1.png', 'number2.png' etc. will be used. If these don't exist 'number.png' would be used. If that doesn't exist then the default marker will be used.
<dd>"Light Blue"</dd>
<dd>Some markers have multiple icons. Use <ahref="#ma-offset">offset</a> to choose which one to show.</dd>
<dd>The index of the marker to use (Integer)</dd>
<dd>For markernames with multiple icons, you can choose which one to use.</dd>
<p>The code will automatically wrap around if you simply increment offset every marker.</p>
<p>You do not need to know how many icons are actually assigned to the marker set.</p>
<dd>HTML or Text to show in info window on marker click (String)</dd>
<p>This will set up an info window popup when you click the marker.</p>
<p>If you specify as a string, it will make a regular GInfoWindow.</p>
<p>If you specify as an array, it will make a tabbed GInfoWindow, where the
array keys are the tab titles, and the array values are the contents of the
<dd>"Point A"</dd>
Anything put in here will be sent inline to the javascript side, so if you are
planning on using complex popups, you may want to consider using <ahref="ma-rmt">rmt</a> instead.
<dd>array('' => '',...)</dd>
Tab titles and HTML or text to show in info window on marker click.
'Name' => '<em>United States</em>',
'Currency' => 'United States Dollar',
Anything put in here will be sent inline to the javascript side.
<dd>A url to go to when the marker is clicked. (String)</dd>
This will program the marker to act like a hyperlink.
It is pointless to specify <ahref="#ma-text">text</a> or <ahref="#ma-tabs">tabs</a>
at the same time as link, as link causes immediate navigation away from the map.
<dd>Path to append to the rmtcallback. (String)</dd>
When using ahah markers, this should be set to the identifiers expected by
your callback.
If you need to pass multiple identifiers, just seperate them with slashes.
Attribute: text
Values: "map bubble text"
Description: text and/or HTML to be displayed in the map bubble when the marker is clicked
Example: "Point A"
Notes: @@@ Bdragon mentioned an "array tabs trick"??
<dd>array('' => ...,...)</dd>
<p>Filling out this parameter will allow you to override the <em>GMarkerOptions</em>
that a marker is initialized with.</p>
<p>The <em>icon</em> key is automatically filled in, you can't set it here.</p>
'bouncy' => TRUE,
The documentation for <em>GMarkerOptions</em> can be found <ahref="http://code.google.com/apis/maps/documentation/reference.html#GMarkerOptions">here</a>.