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Issue #2035847 by mariacha1: Added more theming options to popup bubble by...

Issue #2035847 by mariacha1: Added more theming options to popup bubble by using infobubble library plugin.
parent a3da7d72
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Tags 7.x-2.10-rc1
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name = Gmap Style Bubbles
description = A module that lets you add more styles to your gmap popup bubbles.
package = Location
core = 7.x
project = gmap_style_bubbles
dependencies[] = gmap
dependencies[] = libraries (2.x)
* @file
* Install, update, and uninstall functions for the gmap_style_bubbles module.
* Verifies that the infobubble gmap plugin has is installed.
* The infobubble plugin library for gmap can be found here:
* @link @endlink
* This module assumes you download the entire folder, including the "examples"
* and "docs" folders, and put all of them in a folder called "infobubble" in
* your libraries folder. If it fails to find the src/infobubble-compiled.js
* file, the site will let you know on your status report screen.
* @ingroup gmap_style_bubbles
* Implements hook_requirements().
* Ensures the infobubble library is installed.
function gmap_style_bubbles_requirements($phase) {
$requirements = array();
if ($phase == 'runtime') {
$t = get_t();
$library = libraries_detect('infobubble');
if (empty($library['installed'])) {
$requirements['infobubble_plugin'] = array(
'title' => $t('Infobubble Plugin Required'),
'severity' => REQUIREMENT_ERROR,
'description' => _gmap_style_bubbles_format_error($library),
'value' => '',
return $requirements;
* @file
* Adds the more options for theming the gmap popup bubble.
* @defgroup gmap_style_bubbles Gmap Bubble Styles
* @{
* Adds more options for theming the Gmap popup bubble.
* By default, @link the Gmap module @endlink
* allows themers to style the information inside the popup bubble, but allows
* very few custom styles for the bubble itself. With Google MAPS API v3, a
* themer can now use the custom javascript class "Infobubble" to style the
* popup itself. This includes background styles, arrow placement, border color,
* etc. A full list of changeable options can be found here:
* @link @endlink
* Adds "infobubble" custom library on map pages via the #pre_render callback.
function _gmap_style_bubbles_gmap_pre_render_map($element) {
$infobubble_library = libraries_detect('infobubble');
if ($infobubble_library['installed']) {
drupal_add_js(libraries_get_path('infobubble') . '/src/infobubble.js');
drupal_add_js(drupal_get_path('module', 'gmap_style_bubbles') . '/js/infobubble_extended.js', array('weight' => '1'));
return $element;
* Implements hook_form_FORM_ID_alter().
* Adds a new fieldset to the gmap settings form so we can enable and save
* custom popup bubble styles.
function gmap_style_bubbles_form_gmap_admin_settings_alter(&$form, &$form_state, $form_id) {
$bubble_styles = variable_get('gmap_bubble_styles', array());
$disable_infobubble = FALSE;
$infobubble_library = libraries_detect('infobubble');
$form['gmap_bubble_styles'] = array(
'#type' => 'fieldset',
'#title' => t('Bubble styles'),
'#tree' => TRUE,
if (!$infobubble_library['installed']) {
$form['gmap_bubble_styles']['error'] = array(
'#type' => 'markup',
'#markup' => '<div class="messages error">' . _gmap_style_bubbles_format_error($infobubble_library) . '</div>',
$disable_infobubble = TRUE;
$form['gmap_bubble_styles']['enable_bubble_style'] = array(
'#type' => 'checkbox',
'#title' => t('Use custom bubble?'),
'#description' => t('If you don\'t intend to style your popup bubble, leave this unchecked.'),
'#default_value' => isset($bubble_styles['enable_bubble_style']) ? $bubble_styles['enable_bubble_style'] : 0,
'#disabled' => $disable_infobubble,
$form['gmap_bubble_styles']['style_bubble_options'] = array(
'#type' => 'textarea',
'#title' => t('Bubble styles to apply'),
'#description' => t('Styles to apply to your popup bubble. One style per line with a colon between the style and value.<br />Example:<br />shadowStyle:1<br />arrowPosition : 25'),
'#default_value' => isset($bubble_styles['style_bubble_options']) ? $bubble_styles['style_bubble_options'] : '',
'#disabled' => $disable_infobubble,
$form['gmap_bubble_styles']['help_text'] = array(
'#collapsed' => TRUE,
'#collapsible' => TRUE,
'#type' => 'fieldset',
'#title' => t('Bubble styles help'),
'#value' => _gmap_style_bubbles_help_text(),
* Enables hook_gmap().
* Adds the bubble styles to the drupal map settings json at the top of the
* rendered map page.
function gmap_style_bubbles_gmap($op, &$map) {
if ($op == 'pre_theme_map') {
$bubble_styles_old = variable_get('gmap_bubble_styles');
$bubble_styles['enableBubbleStyle'] = $bubble_styles_old['enable_bubble_style'];
$bubble_styles['styleBubbleOptions'] = _gmap_style_bubbles_validate_for_json($bubble_styles_old['style_bubble_options']);
$map['styleBubble'] = $bubble_styles;
* A helper function that breaks a string up into an array based on line breaks.
* Anything before the first colon in each line is considered an array key, and
* anything following the first colon is that key's value.
* An example string would be:
* Color : #cccccc
* minWidth: '250',
* This function would output the following:
* array ( "Color" => "#cccccc", "minWidth" => "250" )
* Trims whitespace, single and double quotes, semicolons and commas.
function _gmap_style_bubbles_validate_for_json($string) {
$string_lines = explode("\n", $string);
$clean_lines = array();
foreach ($string_lines as $setting) {
$this_line = explode(':', $setting, 2);
if (isset($this_line[1])) {
$clean_lines[trim($this_line[0])] = trim($this_line[1], "'\",; \r\n\t");
return $clean_lines;
* Implements hook_libraries_info().
* Information for the infobubble plugin provided as part of the google maps
* contributed utility libraries.
function gmap_style_bubbles_libraries_info() {
$libraries['infobubble'] = array(
'name' => 'Infobubble plugin',
'vendor url' => '',
'download url' => '',
'version' => '.8',
'files' => array(
'src' => array(
'variants' => array(
'minified' => array(
'files' => array(
'src' => array(
'source' => array(
'files' => array(
'js' => array(
return $libraries;
* Implements hook_element_info_alter().
* Adds a second pre_render function to add the infobubble javascript to the
* page.
function gmap_style_bubbles_element_info_alter(&$type) {
if (isset($type['gmap']) && is_array($type['gmap']['#pre_render'])) {
$type['gmap']['#pre_render'][] = '_gmap_style_bubbles_gmap_pre_render_map';
* A helper function to format the missing library error message.
* This message is called during install and when loading the gmap configurarion
* page in the case that the infobubble/src/infobubble-compiled.js file isn't
* found.
function _gmap_style_bubbles_format_error($library) {
$t = get_t();
return $t(
'You need to download the !infobubble and extract the entire contents of the archive into the %path directory on your server. Only the src folder is required. Final path should be %path/infobubble/src/infobubble-compiled.js',
'!infobubble' => l($t('infobubble plugin'), $library['download url']),
'%path' => 'sites/all/libraries',
* A helper function to display help text.
* Provides more detailed instructions on the "Bubble styles to apply" textarea.
function _gmap_style_bubbles_help_text() {
$text = t(
'See !link for examples.',
array('!link' => l(t('the infobubble documentation'), ''))
$options = array(
"shadowStyle" => t('Options: 0 (no shadow), 1 (default shadow), 2 (sharp shadow)'),
"padding" => t('Like the css property, the padding of the bubble.'),
"borderRadius" => t('Like the css property, the radius of the bubble\'s corners.'),
"borderWidth" => t('Like the css property, the width in pixels of the border.'),
"borderColor" => t('Like the css property, the hex or rgb color of the border.'),
"backgroundColor" => t('This is the background of the content of the bubble, but NOT the entire bubble itself.'),
"bubbleBackgroundClassName" => t('A css class for the entire bubble.'),
"minWidth" => t('Like the css property, the minimum width of the bubble.'),
"maxWidth" => t('Like the css property, the maximum width of the bubble.'),
"minHeight" => t('Like the css property, the maximum height of the bubble.'),
"arrowSize" => t('The width of the pointer arrow. NOTE: if you choose an arrow style that only uses half of the arrow, this number will be twice as wide as your arrow at its widest point.'),
"arrowPosition" => t('The percent from the left of the bubble where the arrow will appear.'),
"arrowStyle" => t('Options: 0 (full triangle), 1 (half triangle leaning left), 2 (half triangle leaning right)'),
"closeImage" => t('The url of the image to use as the close button for the bubble'),
"closeCursor" => t('Like the css property, the style of the cursor as it hovers over your close image. Default is pointer.'),
"closeZIndex" => t('Like the css property, the z-index of the close image. Default is 0.'),
"closeBorder" => t('Like the css property, the border style of the close image. Default is none.'),
"closeHeight" => t('The height of the close image. Default is 12px.'),
"closeWidth" => t('The width of the close image. Default is 12px.'),
"closePosition" => t("Like the css property, the position the close image. Default is absolute."),
foreach ($options as $title => $info) {
$text .= "<br /><b>$title</b> - $info";
return $text;
* @} End of "defgroup gmap_style_bubbles".
* @file
* Adds two new methods to the Infobubble.prototype class.
if (typeof InfoBubble === 'function') {
/* First new method: bubbleBackgroundClassName allows theming of the whole
popup bubble via css. */
InfoBubble.prototype.setBubbleBackgroundClassName = function(className) {
InfoBubble.prototype['setBubbleBackgroundClassName'] =
/* Second new method: closeImage allows reference to a custom image to
close the popup window. */
InfoBubble.prototype.setCloseImage = function(image) {
this.close_.src = image;
InfoBubble.prototype['setCloseImage'] =
/* Third new method: closePosition allows you to set the position to something
other than absolute. */
InfoBubble.prototype.setClosePosition = function(position) {['position'] = position;
InfoBubble.prototype['setClosePosition'] =
/* Fourth new method: closeWidth allows you to specify a custom close image width */
InfoBubble.prototype.setCloseWidth = function(width) {['width'] = width;
InfoBubble.prototype['setCloseWidth'] =
/* Fifth new method: closeHeight allows you to specify a custom close image height */
InfoBubble.prototype.setCloseHeight = function(height) {['height'] = height;
InfoBubble.prototype['setCloseHeight'] =
/* Sixth new method: closeBorder allows you to add a border to the close image. */
InfoBubble.prototype.setCloseBorder = function(border) {['border'] = border;
InfoBubble.prototype['setCloseBorder'] =
/* Seventh new method: closeZIndex allows you to set a custom zindex for your
close image. */
InfoBubble.prototype.setCloseZIndex = function(zIndex) {['zIndex'] = zIndex;
InfoBubble.prototype['setCloseZIndex'] =
/* Eighth new method: closeCursor allows you change what your cursor turns
into on hovering on the close image. */
InfoBubble.prototype.setCloseCursor = function(cursor) {['cursor'] = cursor;
InfoBubble.prototype['setCloseCursor'] =
......@@ -8,7 +8,12 @@
Drupal.gmap.addHandler('gmap', function (elem) {
var obj = this;
var infowindow = new google.maps.InfoWindow();
if(obj.vars.styleBubble && obj.vars.styleBubble.enableBubbleStyle == 1) {
var infowindow = new InfoBubble(obj.vars.styleBubble.styleBubbleOptions);
else {
var infowindow = new google.maps.InfoWindow();
obj.bind('init', function () {
if (obj.vars.behavior.autozoom) {
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