<em>This is a port of GMAP-ARRAY-DICTIONARY.txt to advanced_help. It's a work in progress.</em>
<p>This file defines the attributes available in GMap arrays. This is fairly similar to the GMAP-MACRO-DICTIONARY.txt, but distinct in that it addresses array keys and syntax specific to GMap arrays.</p>
<p>A GMap array is used to define and render a map inside PHP code. This is useful
for things like creating a map based on a database query, or doing things that you
can't do with a macro.</p>
<p>Defaults for map attributes can be set on the <ahref="base_url:admin/settings/gmap">GMap settings page</a>.</p>
The top level of a GMap array will look something like this:
<p>These are all of the (by default) recognized keys for a map array. You usually will only use a subset of them.</p>
$map = array(
'<ahref="#tl-id">id</a>' => // id attribute for the map
'<ahref="#tl-width">width</a>' => // map width in pixels or %
'<ahref="#tl-height">height</a>' => // map height in pixels
'<ahref="#tl-lat">latitude</a>' => // map center latitude
'<ahref="#tl-lon">longitude</a>' => // map center longitude
'<ahref="#tl-zoom">zoom</a>' => // zoom level
'<ahref="#tl-id">id</a>' => // "Map ID" -- used to associate a map with other controls.
'<ahref="#tl-width">width</a>' => // Map width as a CSS dimension.
'<ahref="#tl-height">height</a>' => // Map height as a CSS dimension (usually px).
'<ahref="#tl-lat">latitude</a>' => // Map center latitude.
'<ahref="#tl-lon">longitude</a>' => // Map center longitude.
'<ahref="#tl-zoom">zoom</a>' => // Zoom level.
'<ahref="#tl-mz">maxzoom</a>' => // Maximum zoom level for autozoom.
'<ahref="#tl-extent">extent</a> => // map bounds
'<ahref="#tl-mt">maptype</a>' => // baselayer type
'<ahref="#tl-ct">controltype</a>' => // size of map controls