###General Information
Leaflet module provides integration with Leaflet map scripting library.
It is based and dependant from:
- the Leaflet JS library;
- the Geofield Module;
###Installation and Use
Require/Download the Leaflet module using Composer to manage Drupal site dependencies__, which will also download the required Geofield Module dependency and GeoPHP library. It is done simply running the following command from your project package root (where the main composer.json file is sited):
composer require drupal/leaflet
Enable the Leaflet module to be able to use:
- the configurable Leaflet Map as Geofield Widget, with Leaflet Geoman js library;
- the configurable Leaflet Map as Geofield Formatter;
Enable Leaflet Views (leaflet_views) submodule for Leaflet Map Views integration You need to add at least one geofield to the Fields list, and select the Leaflet Map style in the Display Format. In the settings of the style, select the geofield as the Data Source and select a field for Title and Description (which will be rendered in the popup).
Enable Leaflet Markercluster (leaflet_markercluster) submodule for Leaflet Markercluster Js library functionalities and configurations, both in the Leaflet Formatter and in the Leaflet Map View display.
Add, enable and configure "Geoocoder" module to enable Geocoder Control (with Autocomplete) for quick Leaflet Map Address search & pan/zoom.
As a more powerful alternative, you can use node view modes to be rendered in the popup. In the Description field, select "" and then select a View mode.
###API Usage
Rendering a map is as simple as instantiating the LeafletService and its leafletRenderMap method
\Drupal::service('leaflet.service')->leafletRenderMap($map, $features, $height)
which takes 3 parameters:
$map: An associative array defining a map. See hook_leaflet_map_info(). The module defines a default map with a OpenStreet Maps base layer.
$features: This is an associative array of all the Leaflet features you want to plot on the map. A feature can be a point, linestring, polygon, multipolygon, multipolygon, or json object. Additionally, features can be grouped into leaflet layer groups so they can be controlled together,
$height: The map height, expressed in css units.
###Tips & Tricks
####Bind events on geojson (json) features @see: https://www.drupal.org/project/leaflet/issues/3186029
$features[] = [ 'type' => 'json', 'json' => $geojson, 'events' => [ 'click' => 'Drupal.manageGeojsonClick', // or whatever callback ], ]; this->leaflet->leafletRenderMap(map_info, $features, $height),