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prettyprinter is a tool that takes program source code as input and outputs the same code, nicely formatted for readability.
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readIntArray() which consumes as many integers from cin as are available and returns an IntArray structure.
addToIntArray(IntArray&) takes a pointer to an IntArray adds int from available on cin.
printIntArray(const IntArray&) prints the IntArray
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forward(): Move the drone one unit forward.
backward(): Moves the drone one unit backward.
left(), right(): Turns the drone 90 degrees to the left or right, while remaining in the same location.
current(): returns current pos
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This program mimics the standard Unix tool "make".
target: source: file called target depends on the file called source touch file: file called file has been updated make file: file called file should be rebuilt from the files it depends on
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Iterator pattern to iterate over a binary search trees.
Iteration runs in time O(L(x)) where L(x) is the length of the shortest path in the tree from x to x’s successor node.
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Program that rewrites expression entered in reverse Polish notation (RPN)
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Extensible text processing package.
dropfirst n Drop the first n characters of each word.
doublewords Double up all words in the string.
allcaps All letters in the string are presented in uppercase.
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Example project for creating new state observers in mc_rtc
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This package contains the simulation files for the E10 - Open the door episode for the 1st SciRoc Challenge
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Implementation of the video game Watopoly, which is a variant of the game, Monopoly, with a board based on the University of Waterloo campus. This game was implemented as part of a group project for a course using the Object-Oriented C++ Programming Language.
A game of Watopoly consists of a board that has 40 squares. When a player moves, an action specific to the square they land on occurs. The goal of the game is to be the only player to not drop out of university (declare bankruptcy). Play proceeds as follows: players take turns moving around the board, buying and improving on-campus buildings (properties), and paying tuition (rent).
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ECE 198 Project: Earthquake Detection using Accelererometer sensors
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Core development branch of SPINS, the parallelized, spectral solver for the incompressible Navier-Stokes equations. See https://uwspace.uwaterloo.ca/handle/10012/5926 and http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/fld.3788/abstract.
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Lucas Gamez / domoponics
GNU General Public License v3.0 or laterDjango project for monitoring plants and aquariums in a domotics system at home