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Sai Praneeth / Tabulated_EOS
Apache License 2.0Look up table based Equation of state with user defined accuracy and resolution. Thermodynamically consistent estimation of properties.
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Measures temperature through RTD connected to circuit and displays graph of temperature versus time. Implements pyfirmata module and communicates to Arduino Uno using Jupyter Notebook.
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Implements pyfirmata, threading, numpy, matplotlib, time, and jupyterplot to communicate with an Arduino board and plot the voltage readings of a 1.5V battery over time. Three different graphing methods were used; two of which are animated.
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Eli Henry Dykhne / nuplan-devkit
Apache License 2.0OCC-Gen: Automated Generation of Dynamic Occlusion-Caused Collisions Based on our soon-to-be published paper, this repository contains a version of the nuplan-devkit which has been modified to allow simulation of occlusions. It contains a new framework and set of generators for modifying scenarios in large numbers to create scenarios where occlusion caused collisions are likely to occur.
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COVID-19 Data Downloader
This function returns the latest available data subset of COVID-19.
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Rasoul Akhavan Mahdavi / Crypten
MIT LicenseUpdated -
watcag-public / schemdraw
MIT LicenseUpdated