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COVID-19 Data Downloader
This function returns the latest available data subset of COVID-19.
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Implementing RBF Network using Numpy library.
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Implementing Kohonen's Self Organizing Maps from scratch and analysis on the RGB color Dataset on various values of Neighbourhood function (sigma0) and learning rate parameters
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This model has been developed solely for the purpose of ECE653 project. It has been developed based on the blog by Nishaine Ferdinand available at https://towardsdatascience.com/building-a-road-sign-classifier-in-keras-764df99fdd6a.
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ECE 657 Final project repositories for code and reference papers
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Code to reproduce all the figures from the paper: Lacombe, F, Roy, S., Sinha, K., Karl, S., and Hickey, J.-P. "Characteristic Scales in Shock/Turbulence Interaction", AIAA Journal (under review)
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CS 486 project for Spring 2020. Topic: Sentiment Analysis on Financial News
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CS 486 project for Spring 2020. Topic: Sentiment Analysis on Financial News
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