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Lecture notes and associated material for PHYS 236: Computational Physics 1
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Ben Storer / Math_127
MIT LicenseThis git repo contains iPython notebooks (and possibly other notes) pertaining to the Math 127 course. The purpose is to provide access to the iPython notebooks so that they can be run on the UW Jupyter (iPython) server.
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Sai Praneeth / Tabulated_EOS
Apache License 2.0Look up table based Equation of state with user defined accuracy and resolution. Thermodynamically consistent estimation of properties.
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A 2D Compressible Navier stokes solver on a uniform mesh with riemann solvers, real fluid thermodynamics
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jupyter-examples that should be able to run on jupyter.math.uwaterloo.ca
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Ben Storer / PoulinGroup_Notebooks
MIT LicenseUpdated -
Adam Morgan / PoulinGroup_Notebooks
MIT LicenseUpdated -