Explore projects
This package contains the simulation files for the E10 - Open the door episode for the 1st SciRoc Challenge
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Example project for creating new state observers in mc_rtc
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Jason Chen / Rocksdb
Apache License 2.0Updated -
Dao Bo Yang / libfibre
GNU General Public License v3.0 onlylibfibre is a user-threading runtime
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Extensible text processing package.
dropfirst n Drop the first n characters of each word.
doublewords Double up all words in the string.
allcaps All letters in the string are presented in uppercase.
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Program that rewrites expression entered in reverse Polish notation (RPN)
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Iterator pattern to iterate over a binary search trees.
Iteration runs in time O(L(x)) where L(x) is the length of the shortest path in the tree from x to x’s successor node.
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This program mimics the standard Unix tool "make".
target: source: file called target depends on the file called source touch file: file called file has been updated make file: file called file should be rebuilt from the files it depends on
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forward(): Move the drone one unit forward.
backward(): Moves the drone one unit backward.
left(), right(): Turns the drone 90 degrees to the left or right, while remaining in the same location.
current(): returns current pos
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readIntArray() which consumes as many integers from cin as are available and returns an IntArray structure.
addToIntArray(IntArray&) takes a pointer to an IntArray adds int from available on cin.
printIntArray(const IntArray&) prints the IntArray
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an implementation of the internet sensation, Wordle.
If the player does not guess the word within 6 attempts, then the game still ends, but the player loses.
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prettyprinter is a tool that takes program source code as input and outputs the same code, nicely formatted for readability.