@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ This setup will let you have a full linux environment on your windows machine, W
* This repository assumes that you have a copy of the OS/161 source code on the local machine.
* You **should** have a remote repository to manage your OS/161 source code and move between the local and linux.student environments.
* If you do not currently have a working copy of os161, you can retrieve your own by copying the
* If you do not currently have a working copy of OS/161, you can retrieve your own by copying the
`os161.tar.gz` file within `os161-container/dependencies` directory from the cs350-container repository.
cp os161-container/dependencies/os161.tar.gz ~/
@@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ sudo ./install.sh
In a terminal from within the project directory. This script will pull the assignments reposiroty and build it into a local copy of the os161-runner image.
## Running OS161 in the cs350-container
## Running OS/161 in the cs350-container
To start using the container you use the run.sh script, which takes one argument -- the directory of your working code repository.
@@ -90,15 +90,20 @@ Note: If run.sh fails it means there is still a os161-runner container running.
## Running Userspace assignments
To run the Linux userspace programs, you must start the container using the run.sh script, which takes one argument -- the directory that holds your `c` files. For example,
sudo ./run.sh ~/cs350-teststudent/a0
When inside the container you can run `./run_assignment.sh ASSTUSER#` where
'#' represents the assignment number.
When mounting other directories that are not os161 note that the `build_kernel` and `test_kernel` functionality will not work.
It is important to note that: when mounting other directories that are not OS/161, the `build_kernel` and `test_kernel` functionality will not work.
## [Layout](Layout)
There are some noted directories within the container
*`/kernel` holds YOUR assignment code
*`/os161-1.99` holds unchanged os161 kernel code
*`/os161-1.99` holds unchanged OS/161 kernel code
*`/os-compile` holds the compiled version of the code
*`/assignments` holds testing and evaluation scripts used for each assignment