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Tags give the ability to mark specific points in history as being important
  • v7.4.6
    00d3efa6 · Fixed Browserify bug ·
    Fixed Browserify `window` bug.
  • v7.4.3
    c695a34d · Updated docs ·
    * Removed `.bind` dependency and polyfill.
    * Updated `gulpfile.js` tasks and namespacing.
    * Fixed CommonJS bug.
    * Added lazypipe to `gulpfile.js`.
  • v7.4.1
    * Converted to Ruby Sass.
    * Updated unit test path.
    * Switched to event bubbling.
  • v7.3.2
    67304fb4 · Updated readme ·
    * Added fix for UMD structure.
  • v7.3.1
    4b73b0a0 · Added bind polyfill ·
    * Added polyfill for `Functions.prototype.bind`.
    * Removed Sass paths from `gulpfile.js`.
  • v7.3.0
    * Updated unit tests.
    * Added `destroy()` method.
    * Fixed a bug that wasn't removing the `.active` class from `li` links.
  • v7.2.0
    fb9e56f3 · Fixed typo ·
    * Converted to gulp.js workflow.
    * Added unit testing.
    * Updated naming conventions.
    * Removed unused `_config.scss` and `_mixins.scss` files.
    * Added minified versions of files.
  • v7.1.1
    * Added UMD support.
    * Moved public APIs to exports variable.
    * Improved feature test.
    * Replaced `Array.prototype.forEach` hack with proper `forEach` function.
    * Added a more well supported `trim` function.
    * General code optimizations for better minification and performance.
    * Updated to JSDoc documentation.
    * Updated to three number versioning system.
    * Added package manager installation info.
  • v7.0.0
    20e827ad · Updated docs ·
    Converted from Buoy class helpers to `classList` with polyfill.
  • v6.0.0
    70dde1fc · Updated docs ·
    * Better public/private method namespacing.
    * Require `init()` call to run.
    * New API exposes additional methods for use in your own scripts.
    * Better documentation.
  • v5.1.0
    * Switched to a data attribute for the toggle selector (separates scripts from styles).
    * Removed unused `tab-toggle` class.
    * Prefixed script with a `;` to prevent errors if other scripts are incorrectly closed.
    * Added namespacing to IIFE.
    * Updated addEventListener to be more object oriented.
    * Moved feature test to script itself.
  • v4.0.0
    * Added Sass support.
    * Removed horizontal and vertical styling for great design flexibility.
    * Add active class to button elements.
  • v3.0.0
    ed6f9ee7 · Merge branch 'vanilla-js' ·
    * Converted to vanilla JS.
    * Removed dependence on jQuery.
  • v2.0.0
    07db8f96 · Switched to MIT License ·
    Switched from `href` to `data-target` value for tab id, breaking backward compatibility.
  • v1.0.0
    a38ef3f4 · Added GitIgnore ·
    Initial release