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Fine grained locking

Tiancheng Wang requested to merge fineGrainedLocking into master
  • Implement stop-the-world with fine grained locking.

  • Be able to generate graphs based on following tests

    1. queue test queue.csv
    2. g0i50r50 (0% get, 50% insert, 50% remove) - hash map g0i50r50.csv
    3. g50i25r25 - hash map g50i25r25.csv
    4. g90i5r5 - hash map g90i5r5.csv
  • Implement stop-the-world with multi-threaded implementation.

  • Be able to generate graphs based on following tests (compared with fine-grained locking)

    1. queue test queue.csv
    2. g0i50r50 (0% get, 50% insert, 50% remove) - hash map g0i50r50.csv
    3. g50i25r25 - hash map g50i25r25.csv
    4. g90i5r5 - hash map g90i5r5.csv
Edited by Tiancheng Wang

Merge request reports
