- Oct 07, 2021
Nico Castro-Folker authored
Nico Castro-Folker authored
Nico Castro-Folker authored
Nico Castro-Folker authored
Nico Castro-Folker authored
- Jan 11, 2021
Nico Castro-Folker authored
Nico Castro-Folker authored
Nico Castro-Folker authored
Nico Castro-Folker authored
Nico Castro-Folker authored
The derivatives case file now computes Q and R--invariants of grad(u,v,w) that are useful for vortex identification
Nico Castro-Folker authored
Nico Castro-Folker authored
Nico Castro-Folker authored
Nico Castro-Folker authored
Nico Castro-Folker authored
Added declarations for two functions: one that computes Q (the second invariant of grad(u,v,w)), and one that computes the R (the third invariant of grad(u,v,w)).
- Jun 02, 2020
David Deepwell authored
This had been mistakenly set to 9.81 m/s^2, but a better default option is for the tracer to be passive.
- May 27, 2020
Christopher Subich authored
Previously, wave_reader computed the hill height as a fixed zgrid(:,1,1) - MinZ // matlab notation which implicitly assumes that z increases along the third index. If that assumption is violated, the BPE calculation breaks (in ways that can cause assertion failures based on roundoff error, at that). Fixing the calculation as min(zgrid(i,1,:)) at initialization time alleviates this problem.
Christopher Subich authored
Previously, wave_reader locked 'FULL' (3D) input behind enabling restart. This restriction was unnecessary, and doing so in fact made the specification of u/v/w/rho filenames useless. Deleting this check allows proper read-in of FULL datatypes, without faking a restart. The only functional difference is that if perturbations are also enabled, they will be applied on top of the 3D data read. This seems to be desirable, since it makes the application of the config-file settings more straightforward.
- May 04, 2020
Christopher Subich authored
Based on experience with a poorly-converging, steep hill case, the number of inner iterations in GMRES is increased to 40, and the number of outer iterations drops to 2. Please pay attention to GMRES warnings and report cases where things don't work well, there's probably an optimal parameter range (or else we could make the parameters a runtime config option).
- Jun 10, 2019
David Deepwell authored
The quadrature weights were found to be incorrect for mapped grids because they were adjusted using the topography which was not scaled properly. The topography needed to be adjusted to be relative of the 'minimum z-value'. This is in quation marks because it is not necessarily the absolute minimum, but rather the reference minimum. This shift also fixed the BPE calculation to have the same reference as the PE calculation.
- Apr 16, 2019
David Deepwell authored
- Apr 02, 2019
David Deepwell authored
The previous "fix" swapped rho and tracer. Update to version 2.0.4
David Deepwell authored
Vortex stretching is one of the dominant terms in both the vorticity equation and enstrophy equation. They also help in understanding the vortex dynamics and how energy at large scales cascades into small scales. The three components of vortex stretching (omega dot grad) u and the enstrophy stretching production (omega_i omega_j S_ij) are now included and can be computed with the derivatives case file. Files for vortex stretching terms are called vort-stretch<dim> where <dim> is one of x,y,z. The enstrophy stretching production file is called enst-stretch. As these quantities are the product of velocity gradients, care must be made to ensure adequate resolution is present. Update version to 2.0.3
- Mar 29, 2019
David Deepwell authored
Update version to 2.0.2
- Mar 26, 2019
David Deepwell authored
- Mar 25, 2019
David Deepwell authored
Updated version to 2.0.1
- Mar 22, 2019
Benjamin Storer authored
The GitLab interface also supports hosting a contribution guide. This guide is fairly basic, but outlines three main points 1. Talk with Chris Subich before merging changes 2. How to submit a merge request via GitLab 3. Version number etiquette
David Deepwell authored
Benjamin Storer authored
GiLab (and other git servers) include the main README as the front page of the repository. This commit initializes the README with basic information including a link to the thesis, paper, and relevant page on the fluids wiki.
David Deepwell authored
Benjamin Storer authored
Running './casefile.x --version' prints the SPINS version with which the executable was compiled.
Benjamin Storer authored
- Mar 15, 2019
David Deepwell authored
The SPINS version is now the first thing printed in a simulation. Also fixed typo in writing the grid in BaseCase.cpp
Benjamin Storer authored
The file VERSION now records the MAJOR_VERSION, MINOR_VERSION, and PATCH_VERSION. To update the version number, the user only needs to modify the appropriate lines in VERSION. Makefile has been updated to automatically pass the version information through compiler flags. BaseCase.cpp has been updated to add a print statement into the initialization function. By default, every casefile that uses BaseCase will now print the SPINS version with which is was compiled. This should help avoid issues with mis-matched versions. It will appear in the output as: SPINS Version 1.0.1 The starting version is set to 2.0.0 StackOverflow has a nice summary of when to change which version number (https://stackoverflow.com/questions/3826580/what-rules-does-software-version-numbering-follow) - Major version numbers change whenever there is some significant change being introduced. For example, a large or potentially backward-incompatible change to a software package. - Minor version numbers change when a new, minor feature is introduced or when a set of smaller features is rolled out. - Patch numbers change when a new build of the software is released to customers. This is normally for small bug-fixes or the like.
David Deepwell authored
David Deepwell authored
- Mar 07, 2019
David Deepwell authored
- Nov 29, 2018
Christopher Subich authored
Fix cfl calculation for mapped grids Closes #6 See merge request !5
- Nov 15, 2018
David Deepwell authored
- Jul 17, 2018
Christopher Subich authored
Refactor Science.cpp to split functions into separate files. See merge request !1