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User authetication error messages

Priyadarshini Saha requested to merge 82-error-handling-for-authentication into main


Adding error handling for user authentication.


Issue 82


  • Added error handling for user login and user registration


  • The endpoints now return a an error status and error message
  • Message Body Format
    "error_code": "LOGIN_SUCCESS",
    "error_message": "User logged in successfully"

Expected current behavior

  • Registration Checks:
    • email, password, and username are specified
    • username is unique
    • username has length of 8-30 characters
    • valid username format: starts with alphabet (a-z, or A-Z), all other characters can be alphabets, numbers, or underscores, length of 8-30 characters
    • email verification: valid email address format by RFC 5322
    • email is unique: no user with this email exists already
    • password length verification: password must be at least 6 characters in length
  • Login Checks:
    • email is specified
    • password is specified
    • user with email exists
    • check for password matching


  • Added Error Codes
  • Modified Message class to format error codes and error messages
  • Added logic for authentication error handling



Design Patterns

List any design patterns used to accomplish this task None.


Were there any deviations from the original design or architecture plan. If yes, what were they ? None.


  • Unit test written
  • Meets requirements
  • Cross-browser tested
  • Added/updated documentation as needed
  • Camel case style used

Closes #82 (closed)

Edited by Priyadarshini Saha

Merge request reports
