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Commit 3c995c3e authored by Peter Jentsch's avatar Peter Jentsch
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added distinct vaccination/infection stages, immunization delay, and...

added distinct vaccination/infection stages, immunization delay, and univariate figures showing more useful results with these changes
parent 91c68770
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with 127 additions and 54 deletions
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......@@ -27,6 +27,7 @@ OnlineStats = "a15396b6-48d5-5d58-9928-6d29437db91e"
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using CovidAlertVaccinationModel
using OnlineStats
using Plots
const samples = 1
const parameters = (
sim_length = 50,
num_households = 5000,
I_0_fraction = 0.002,
base_transmission_probability = 0.0015,
recovery_rate = 1/7,
immunization_loss_prob = 0.0055, #mean time of 6 months
π_base = -0.2,
κ = 0.001,
ω = 0.0000,
ρ = [0.0,0.0,0.0],
η = 0.0,
ω_en = 0.00,
ρ_en = [0.0,0.0,0.0],
γ = 0.0,
β = 100.0,
notification_parameter = 0.000,
vaccinator_prob = 0.2,
app_user_fraction = 0.4,
notification_threshold = 2,
infection_introduction_delay = 50
immunizing = true,
function solve_and_plot_parameters()
out = mean_solve(samples, parameters ,DebugRecorder)
p = plot_model(nothing,[nothing],[out])
\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@ using CovidAlertVaccinationModel
using OnlineStats
using ThreadsX
using Plots
const samples = 10
const samples = 5
##Univariate tests
const len = 4 #number of points to evaluate
......@@ -10,14 +10,14 @@ gr()
const default_parameters = (
sim_length = 600,
num_households = 5000,
I_0_fraction = 0.001,
base_transmission_probability = 0.0015,
recovery_rate = 0.1,
I_0_fraction = 0.002,
base_transmission_probability = 0.001,
recovery_rate = 1/7,
immunization_loss_prob = 0.0055, #mean time of 6 months
π_base = -0.25,
π_base = -4.0,
η = 0.0,
κ = 0.0,
ω = 0.0005,
κ = 1.0,
ω = 0.001,
ρ = [0.0,0.0,0.0],
ω_en = 0.00,
ρ_en = [0.0,0.0,0.0],
......@@ -27,22 +27,36 @@ const default_parameters = (
vaccinator_prob = 0.2,
app_user_fraction = 0.4,
notification_threshold = 2,
immunizing = true,
immunization_delay = 14,
immunization_begin_delay = 50,
infection_introduction_delay = 100
#add beta
#run model without vaccination
#use derivative of log of no infections to calibrate p
#seed inital infections according to degree
#total number of notifications
#age structured vaccination
const univarate_test_list = (
(:I_0_fraction, range(0.0, 0.05; length = len)),
(:base_transmission_probability, range(0.0001, 0.002; length = len)),
(:base_transmission_probability, range(0.0002, 0.002; length = len)),
(:recovery_rate, range(0.1, 0.5; length = len)),
(:immunization_loss_prob, range(0.00, 0.05; length = len)),
(:π_base, range(-1.0, -0.0; length = len)),
(:η, range(0.0, 0.1; length = len)),
(:κ, range(0.0, 0.1; length = len)),
(:ω, range(0.0, 0.001; length = len)),
(:π_base, range(-4.5, -3.5; length = len)),
(:η, range(0.0, 0.01; length = len)),
(:κ, range(0.5, 1.5; length = len)),
(:ω, range(0.0, 0.01; length = len)),
(:ω_en, range(0.0, 0.5; length = len)),
(:γ, range(0.0, 0.5; length = len)),
(:β, range(2, 30; length = len)),
(:notification_parameter, range(0.00, 0.05; length = len)),
(:app_user_fraction, range(0.05, 0.25; length = len)),
(:notification_threshold, (1:len)),
(:immunization_delay, [7,10,14,20]),
const univariate_path = "CovidAlertVaccinationModel/plots/univariate/"
......@@ -51,8 +65,8 @@ function univarate_test(variable, variable_range)
solve_fn(p) = mean_solve(samples, p,DebugRecorder)
univariate_outlist =, parameter_range_list)
p = plot_model(variable,parameter_range_list,univariate_outlist)
p = plot_model(variable,parameter_range_list,univariate_outlist,default_parameters.infection_introduction_delay,default_parameters.immunization_begin_delay)
return p
using CovidAlertVaccinationModel
using OnlineStats
using Plots
const samples = 5
const parameters = (
sim_length = 600,
num_households = 5000,
I_0_fraction = 0.002,
base_transmission_probability = 0.001,
recovery_rate = 1/7,
immunization_loss_prob = 0.0055, #mean time of 6 months
π_base = -4.0,
η = 0.0,
κ = 1.0,
ω = 0.001,
ρ = [0.0,0.0,0.0],
ω_en = 0.00,
ρ_en = [0.0,0.0,0.0],
γ = 0.0,
β = 5.0,
notification_parameter = 0.001,
vaccinator_prob = 0.2,
app_user_fraction = 0.4,
notification_threshold = 2,
immunizing = true,
immunization_delay = 14,
immunization_begin_delay = 50,
infection_introduction_delay = 100
function solve_and_plot_parameters()
out = mean_solve(samples, parameters ,DebugRecorder)
p = plot_model(nothing,[nothing],[out],parameters.infection_introduction_delay,parameters.immunization_begin_delay)
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