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Commit b8ac5010 authored by Peter Jentsch's avatar Peter Jentsch
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parent 55eba8d6
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......@@ -11,9 +11,11 @@ function Base.isequal(e1::GraphEdge,e2::GraphEdge)
function sample_mixing_graph!(mixing_graph,population_demographics)
mixing_edges = mixing_graph.mixing_edges
# display( mixing_edges.sampler_matrix)
for i in 1:size(mixing_edges.contact_array)[1], j in 1:i #diagonal
demo_i = Int(population_demographics[i])
demo_j = Int(population_demographics[j])
rand!(RNG, mixing_edges.sampler_matrix[demo_i,demo_j],mixing_edges.sample_cache[i,j])
for k in 1:length(mixing_edges.contact_array[i,j][1])
kth_node_i = mixing_edges.contact_array[i,j][1][k]
......@@ -28,18 +28,20 @@ using StaticArrays
export intervalsmodel, hh, ws, rest, abm
const DNDEBUG = false
macro c_assert(boolean)
macro c_assert(boolean) #this is a version of @assert that turns itself off when DNDEBUG=false, should use more
message = string("Assertion: ", boolean, " failed")
:($(esc(boolean)) || error($message))
const durmax = 144
const PACKAGE_FOLDER = dirname(dirname(pathof(CovidAlertVaccinationModel)))
const RNG = Xoroshiro128Star(1)
#consts that let give us nicer names for the indices
const color_palette = palette(:seaborn_pastel) #color theme for the plots
#consts that let give us nicer names for the indices
......@@ -52,11 +54,11 @@ include("ABM/output.jl")
......@@ -4,7 +4,6 @@ Number of start times to sample for a given set of distribution parameters.
const comparison_samples = 100
const distribution_support = 0:94
const YOUNG, MIDDLE,OLD = 1,2,3
const durmax = 144
const sample_repeat = 100
const sparam = (60,12)
......@@ -108,12 +108,12 @@ function load_contact_time_distributions()
ws = "ws",
rest = "rest"
function make_sampler(λ) #our samples can only be in 0:143 so we can fake a poisson distribution by explicitly sampling
return Distributions.DiscreteNonParametricSampler(0:durmax,[pdf(Poisson(λ),x) for x in 0:durmax])
function make_sampler(λ)
return Distributions.PoissonADSampler(λ)#Distributions.DiscreteNonParametricSampler(0:durmax,[pdf(Poisson(λ),x) for x in 0:durmax])
contact_distributions_tuple = map(fnames) do fname
dat = deserialize(joinpath(PACKAGE_FOLDER,"intervals_model_output","simulation_output","$fname.dat"))
return map(p -> Poisson(mode(p.particles)), as_symmetric_matrix(dat[distkey].P))
return map(p -> make_sampler(mode(p.particles)), as_symmetric_matrix(dat[distkey].P))
return contact_distributions_tuple
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