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Commit c7d64811 authored by Peter Jentsch's avatar Peter Jentsch
Browse files

more univariate sims

parent 03b8007a
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......@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ const household_data = read_household_data()
default(dpi = 300)
default(framestyle = :box)
import LightGraphs.neighbors
export DebugRecorder,mean_solve,plot_model, get_parameters, HeatmapRecorder
export DebugRecorder,mean_solve,plot_model, univariate_simulations, plot_parameter_plane, get_parameters, HeatmapRecorder
......@@ -13,13 +13,13 @@ function get_parameters()#(0.0000,0.00048,0.0005,0.16,-1.30,-1.24,-0.8,0.35,0.35
π_base_y = -1.37,
π_base_m = -1.46,
π_base_o = -0.95,
η = 0.00,
η = 0.01,
κ = 0.0,
ω = 0.0055,
ω_en = 0.0005,
ω_en = 0.0,
Γ = 1/7,
ξ = 5.0,
notification_parameter = 0.001,
notification_parameter = 0.0005,
vaccinator_prob = 0.6,
app_user_fraction = 0.0,
notification_threshold = 2,
......@@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ function get_parameters()#(0.0000,0.00048,0.0005,0.16,-1.30,-1.24,-0.8,0.35,0.35
function get_app_parameters()
return merge(get_parameters(),(app_user_fraction = 0.5,))
return merge(get_parameters(),(app_user_fraction = 0.3,))
function get_u_0(nodes,vaccinator_prob)
is_vaccinator = rand(Random.default_rng(Threads.threadid()),nodes) .< vaccinator_prob
......@@ -123,12 +123,13 @@ function record!(t,modelsol, recorder::Nothing)
function mean_solve(samples,parameter_tuple,recorder)
function mean_solve(samples,parameter_tuple,recorder;progmeter = nothing)
stat_recorder = recorder(Variance(), parameter_tuple.sim_length)
output_recorder = recorder(0.0,parameter_tuple.sim_length)
avg_populations = [0.0,0.0,0.0]
for _ in 1:samples
sol = abm(parameter_tuple,output_recorder)
isnothing(progmeter) || next!(progmeter)
avg_populations .+= length.(sol.index_vectors)
......@@ -136,14 +137,13 @@ function mean_solve(samples,parameter_tuple,recorder)
return stat_recorder,avg_populations
function mean_solve(samples,parameter_tuple,recorder::Type{HeatmapRecorder})
function mean_solve(samples,parameter_tuple,recorder::Type{HeatmapRecorder};progmeter = nothing)
stat_recorder = recorder(parameter_tuple.sim_length)
avg_populations = [0.0,0.0,0.0]
for _ in 1:samples
output_recorder = recorder(parameter_tuple.sim_length)
sol = abm(parameter_tuple,output_recorder)
isnothing(progmeter) || next!(progmeter)
avg_populations .+= length.(sol.index_vectors)
......@@ -2,10 +2,10 @@
const univariate_path = "CovidAlertVaccinationModel/plots/univariate/"
const bivariate_path = "CovidAlertVaccinationModel/plots/univariate/"
function univarate_test(variable, variable_range)
function univarate_test(variable, variable_range,samples; progmeter = nothing)
default_parameters = get_app_parameters()
parameter_range_list = [merge(default_parameters,NamedTuple{(variable,)}((value,))) for value in variable_range]
solve_fn(p) = mean_solve(samples, p,DebugRecorder)[1]
solve_fn(p) = mean_solve(samples, p,DebugRecorder;progmeter)[1]
univariate_outlist =, parameter_range_list)
......@@ -17,28 +17,32 @@ if !ispath(univariate_path)
function univariate_simulations()
len = 20
len = 5
samples = 10
univarate_test_list = (
# (:I_0_fraction, range(0.0, 0.05; length = len)),
# (:base_transmission_probability, range(0.0002, 0.002; length = len)),
# (:recovery_rate, range(0.1, 0.5; length = len)),
# (:immunization_loss_prob, range(0.00, 0.05; length = len)),
# (:π_base, range(-4.5, -3.5; length = len)),
(:η, range(0.0, 0.01; length = len)),
(:η, range(0.0, 0.005; length = len)),
# (:κ, range(0.5, 1.5; length = len)),
# (:ω, range(0.0, 0.01; length = len)),
(:ω_en, range(0.0, 0.0005; length = len)),
(:ω_en, range(0.0, 0.001; length = len)),
# (:γ, range(0.0, 0.5; length = len)),
# (:ξ, range(1, 15; length = len)),
# (:notification_parameter, range(0.00, 0.05; length = len)),
# (:app_user_fraction, range(0.05, 0.25; length = len)),
(:notification_parameter, range(0.000, 0.002; length = len)),
(:app_user_fraction, range(0.05, 0.8; length = len)),
(:notification_threshold, (1:len)),
# (:immunization_delay, [7,10,14,20]),
numsim = sum(map(t -> length(t[2]), univarate_test_list))
progmeter = Progress(numsim*samples)
plt_list = do ur
out = univarate_test(ur...)
display("done $(ur[1])")
out = univarate_test(ur...,samples;progmeter)
return out
for ((varname,_),p) in zip(univarate_test_list,plt_list)
......@@ -48,10 +52,10 @@ end
using AxisKeys
function multivariate_simulations()
len = 15
samples = 10
len = 10
samples = 25
app_simulations = (
(:η, range(0.0, 0.01; length = len)),
(:η, range(0.0, 0.005; length = len)),
(:ω_en, range(0.0, 0.05; length = len)),
# (:notification_threshold, (1:len)),
......@@ -70,12 +74,12 @@ function run_multivariate_sims(sims,samples)
default_parameters = get_app_parameters()
simvars = Iterators.product(sim_ranges...)
progmeter = Progress(length(simvars))
progmeter = Progress(length(simvars)*samples)
app_output = do vars
vars_with_names = NamedTuple{varnames}(vars)
parameters = merge(default_parameters,vars_with_names)
out,_ = mean_solve(1, parameters,HeatmapRecorder)
out,_ = mean_solve(samples, parameters,HeatmapRecorder;progmeter)
return out
......@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@ function plot_model(varname,univariate_series, output_list::Vector{T},infection_
labelname = nothing
for (plt,(ts,title)) in zip(plts,ts_list(data))
plot!(plt, mean.(ts); ribbon = std.(ts),
plot!(plt, mean.(ts); #yerr = std.(ts),
label = labelname, line_z = i, color=:blues,
ylabel = "no. of people",
colorbar = false,
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