This folder contains code for Porthos - a semi-honest 3 party secure computation protocol.
- sudo apt-get install libssl-dev
- sudo apt-get install g++
- sudo apt-get install make
Running the protocol
- To compile use
make clean && make -j
. - Currently the codebase contains precompiled code the following 3 neural networks: ResNet-50, DenseNet-121 and SqueezeNet for ImageNet, checked into the following folder:
. Toggle the flag in./src/example_neural_nets/network_config.h
to switch the network which runs. Note that if there is more than network flag uncommented or if there is already a main file in src, the compilation will error out. - For example, to run the ResNet-50 code, use the following commands:
./ < ../Athos/Networks/ResNet/ResNet_img_input.inp
Note that the first command makes use of input generated from Athos. Please refer to the Athos readme on how to do the same.
- If porthosSecretType != uint64_t, porthosSecretType multiplication function won't work.
- Possible instructions for installation of libssl on Mac, though untested.
- brew install libssl
- cd /usr/local/include
- ln -s ../opt/openssl/include/openssl . Also, use the second build command for Mac to be safe. Read the Caveats part of brew install instructions, since Apple has deprecated the use of OpenSSL.
libmiracl.a is compiled locally, if it does not work try the libmiracl_old.a or download the source files from and compile miracl.a yourself (and rename to libmriacl.a when copying into this repo)
When extracting bits out of __m128i, val[0] corresponds to the LSB. The set functions of __m128i take the first argument as val[0].
If porthosSecretType != uint64_t, porthosSecretType multiplication function won't work.
Matrix multiplication assembly code only works for Intel C/C++ compiler. The non-assembly code has correctness issues when both the multiplicands are large uint64_t's