This repository contains the code for the paper "Directional modifier adaptation based on input selection for real-time optimization" by Gabriel Patrón and Luis Ricardez-Sandoval.
This repository contains the code for the paper "Economically optimal operation of recirculating aquaculture systems under uncertainty" by Gabriel Patrón and Luis Ricardez-Sandoval.
Each file runs a different scheme deployed in the paper either on the Williams-Otto or the evaporator case study. The scheme deployed are full modifier adaptation (MA), directional MA (dMA), dMA based on input selection (dMAIS), and dMAIS without operating point adjustment (dMAIS--).
The spydata and xx files allow for plotting of a typical RAS scenario without having to redo the timely simulation.
All files can be run as displayed herein. They require installation of the Pyomo modelling environment ( and the IPOPT solver (
All files can be run as displayed herein. They require installation of the Pyomo modelling environment ( and the IPOPT solver (