@@ -2,6 +2,6 @@ This repository contains the code for the paper "Economically optimal operation
@@ -2,6 +2,6 @@ This repository contains the code for the paper "Economically optimal operation
The scenario_A_data.spydata and plot_data.py files allow for plotting of a typical RAS scenario without having to redo the timely simulation. Simply import the .spydata into a Spyder console and run the .py file.
The scenario_A_data.spydata and plot_data.py files allow for plotting of a typical RAS scenario without having to redo the timely simulation. Simply import the .spydata into a Spyder console and run the .py file.
To run the MPC-operated RAS simulation, first run the additionale_dy.py file to import noise into the simulation. Then run the the SOURCE_RAS_tempchange.py file, which will begin the simulation, which may take a few days to run.
To run the MPC-operated RAS simulation, first run the additionale_dy.py file to import noise into the simulation. Then run the the SOURCE_RAS_tempchange.py file; this will begin the simulation, which takes a few days to run.
All files can be run as displayed herein. They require installation of the Pyomo modelling environment (http://www.pyomo.org/) and the IPOPT solver (https://www.coin-or.org/download/binary/Ipopt/).
All files can be run as displayed herein. They require installation of the Pyomo modelling environment (http://www.pyomo.org/) and the IPOPT solver (https://www.coin-or.org/download/binary/Ipopt/).