Gitlab for Assignment Submission and Processing
This project has scripts to help courses use UW's Gitlab for assignment submission and processing.
How do courses use Gitlab?
Students will have a Git repo that they can use for revision control while doing their assignment work. The setup is:
- A Gitlab group is created for a course for a specific term. For example, the group might be called "cs123-spring2016".
- In that group, there is a project/repo for each student. Students
will be added as developers so that they can clone and push their
work. By default, the master branch is protected, but this setting
can be turned off. Adding students as developers ensures that they
cannot change project settings like the name, which is vital for
ensuring that you're marking the right work for the right student.
The script which automates the creation of repos, adding students as
developers, and turning of master branch protection is
. - Course staff will be added to the group as owners. This lets course staff clone the students' repo for marking and distributing starter code. For marking, be sure to mark the correct revision (ie do not mark revisions made after the assignment deadline).
- A student's repo can be used for the entire term. Course staff can subdivide
the repo by assignment. For example, the repo can have folders called
, etc). - Students will get an invitation email when they're added to their repo as a developer at the start of term. Students who have never used before must click the link in the email.
- If students enroll late in the course, you can create repos for them using
. Alternatively, you can create repos manually using web interface.
- You should not trust commit dates. They can be faked intentionally (ex. the student tries to pass off late work as being on time) or unintentionally (ex. the clock on the student's computer is wrong). However, the times associated with push events can be trusted because those times come from the Gitlab server when the student pushes. The scripts use push times, not commit times.
- Students must push their work to the master branch before the assignment due date. If students commit on time, but forgets to push until after the due date, their work is considered late.
- When students clone their repo with http url, they might get the error
fatal: repository '' not found
. Fix this by using the urlhttps://<questID>
instead (add Quest ID to url).
Script Documentation
The scripts are written in Python. To run them, please have Python 3.4 or higher and Git 1.8 or higher. If you have any issues or questions about the scripts, please contact your course's CSCF Point of Contact.
You can save the output of the scripts (or any command line program really) using tee.
For example, you can run python3 cs123-spring2016 | tee clone-ouput.txt
All scripts accept -h
and --help
arguments and will print a help message. You may have to make the scripts
executable before running them (for example, with chmod 700
). More documentation is below.
script is used to clone the students' repositories and to checkout the last
commit in the last push to master branch before a certain time.
: The only mandatory argument is the group name. The group name can be found from the Gitlab Groups page. Course staff, including TAs, should be added to the group as owners using the web interface. -
--url-type {http,ssh,http-save,ssh-save}
: You can choose to use eitherhttp
for the repository URL. The default ishttp
. To setupssh
, see the Gitlab doc on SSH keys. If you are cloning many repositories, typing in your credentials every time is exhausting. You can
remember your credentials using the-save
versions. Forhttp-save
, your credentials is saved for 15 minutes in memory with the command:git config --global credential.helper cache
You can clear the cached credentials with:
git config --global --unset-all credential.helper
. Forssh-save
, your passphrase is saved usingssh-agent
. -
--token-file TOKEN_FILE
: Access to Gitlab is needed to get all the projects in the group. You can find your private token from Gitlab Account page. By default, you'll be asked to type it in (won't be echo'ed back). If you don't want to keep typing in the token, save the token in the first line of a file by itself, then setTOKEN_FILE
to a path to the file. -
--clone-dir CLONE_DIR
: Will clone the students' repositories into the folderCLONE_DIR
. The default is./group_name/
, ie a folder with the same name asgroup_name
in the current directory. -
--revert-date REVERT_TO_DATE
: This option will checkout the last commit in the last push to the master branch beforeREVERT_TO_DATE
, which can be in one of these formats:- 2016-05-30 15:10 (will use 00 seconds and current timezone on the computer running the script)
- 2016-05-30 15:10-0400
- 2016-05-30 15:10:30
- 2016-05-30 15:10:30-0400
If a timezone isn't given, the current timezone on the system will be used. If the
option isn't given, the script will just clone. -
--students STUDENTS
: The default is to clone (and possibly revert) all the repositories in the given group. Use this option if you only want to perform these actions on a select set of students.STUDENTS
should be a comma separated list of student Quest IDs. -
--username USERNAME
: On some systems, you need to include your Gitlab username in the url or you'll get a "repository not found" error. If you get that error, pass in your Gitlab username (same as your Quest ID) with this option.
python3 cs123-spring2016 --url-type http-save
Clones all the repositories in the group cs123-spring2016 to the folder
. You'll be asked to type in your private token and your Gitlab credentials once. The only git command that will be run isgit clone
. You might run this near the start of term to clone all the students' repos. -
python3 cs123-spring2016 --token-file ~/.gitlab_token --url-type http-save
Same as above, except that the private token will be read from the first line of ~/.gitlab_token, a text file you have to create manually.
python3 cs123-spring2016 --url-type ssh-save --revert-date '2016-05-30 13:00:00' --students j4ansmith,yralimonl,t2yang
Clones the repositories for three students j4ansmith, yralimonl, and t2yang. Then checkout the last commit in the last push made to the master branch before 1:00pm on May 30, 2016.
Runs a command or program in every folder in a given folder.