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Commit 711430f7 authored by Keiko Katsuragawa's avatar Keiko Katsuragawa
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add 2-4 Event Dispatch examples

parent 83c80b22
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# super simple makefile
# call it using 'make NAME=name_of_code_file_without_extension'
# (assumes a .cpp extension)
NAME = "multiwindow"
# Add $(MAC_OPT) to the compile line for macOS
# (should be ignored by Linux, set to nothing if causing problems)
MAC_OPT = -I/opt/X11/include
@echo "Compiling..."
g++ -o $(NAME) $(NAME).cpp -L/opt/X11/lib -lX11 -lstdc++ $(MAC_OPT)
run: all
@echo "Running..."
-rm *o
CS 349 Code Examples: X Windows and XLib
dispatch Opens and draws into two windows
to create sibling window:
./muliwindow sib
to create child window:
./multiwindow child
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
See associated makefile for compiling instructions
#include <iostream>
#include <list>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <sstream>
* Header files for X functions
#include <X11/Xlib.h>
#include <X11/Xutil.h>
using namespace std;
const int Border = 4;
* Information to draw on the window.
struct XInfo {
Display *display;
int screen;
Window window;
GC gc;
* Function to put out a message on error exits.
void error( string str ) {
cerr << str << endl;
* Initialize X and create a window
void initX(int argc, char *argv[], XInfo &xinfo, Window root,
int x, int y, int width, int height, string name) {
XSizeHints hints;
unsigned long white, black;
white = XWhitePixel( xinfo.display, xinfo.screen );
black = XBlackPixel( xinfo.display, xinfo.screen );
hints.x = x;
hints.y = y;
hints.width = width;
hints.height = height;
hints.flags = PPosition | PSize;
xinfo.window = XCreateSimpleWindow(
xinfo.display, // display where window appears
root, // window's parent in window tree
hints.x, hints.y, // upper left corner location
hints.width, hints.height, // size of the window
Border, // width of window's border
black, // window border colour
white ); // window background colour
xinfo.display, // display containing the window
xinfo.window, // window whose properties are set
name.c_str(), // window's title
"", // icon's title
None, // pixmap for the icon
argv, argc, // applications command line args
&hints ); // size hints for the window
* Create Graphics Context
xinfo.gc = XCreateGC(xinfo.display, xinfo.window, 0, 0);
XSetForeground(xinfo.display, xinfo.gc, BlackPixel(xinfo.display, xinfo.screen));
XSetBackground(xinfo.display, xinfo.gc, WhitePixel(xinfo.display, xinfo.screen));
XSetFillStyle(xinfo.display, xinfo.gc, FillSolid);
XSetLineAttributes(xinfo.display, xinfo.gc,
1, LineSolid, CapButt, JoinRound);
XSelectInput(xinfo.display, xinfo.window,
ButtonPressMask | KeyPressMask | ExposureMask);
// load a larger font
XFontStruct * font;
font = XLoadQueryFont (xinfo.display, "12x24");
XSetFont (xinfo.display, xinfo.gc, font->fid);
* Put the window on the screen.
XMapRaised( xinfo.display, xinfo.window );
// convert to string
string toString(int i) {
stringstream ss;
ss << i;
return ss.str();
* Start executing here.
* First initialize window.
* Next loop responding to events.
* Exit forcing window manager to clean up - cheesy, but easy.
int main ( int argc, char *argv[] ) {
XInfo xinfo1;
XInfo xinfo2;
// true: window is like heavyweight widget embedded in window
// false: window is just another window
bool isSibling = false;
* Display opening uses the DISPLAY environment variable.
* It can go wrong if DISPLAY isn't set, or you don't have permission.
Display * display = XOpenDisplay( "" );
if ( !display ) {
error( "Can't open display." );
* Find out some things about the display you're using.
int screen = DefaultScreen( display );
xinfo1.display = display;
xinfo1.screen = screen;
// create window 1
initX(argc, argv, xinfo1, DefaultRootWindow(display), 75, 75, 200, 200, "One");
// create window 2
xinfo2.display = display;
xinfo2.screen = screen;
if (isSibling)
// make window 2 a sibling of window 1
initX(argc, argv, xinfo2, DefaultRootWindow( display ), 25, 150, 150, 50, "Two");
// make window 2 a child of window 1
initX(argc, argv, xinfo2, xinfo1.window, 25, 50, 150, 50, "Two");
// need to repaint both windows
int click1 = 0;
int click2 = 0;
XEvent event;
while ( true ) {
XNextEvent( display, &event );
switch ( event.type ) {
case ButtonPress:
if (event.xany.window == xinfo1.window) {
cout << "ButtonPress Window One\n";
} else if (event.xany.window == xinfo2.window) {
cout << "ButtonPress Window Two\n";
// draw in the windows
string s;
s = toString(click1);
XDrawImageString( xinfo1.display, xinfo1.window, xinfo1.gc,
25, 40, s.c_str(), s.length() );
s = toString(click2);
XDrawImageString( xinfo2.display, xinfo2.window, xinfo2.gc,
25, 40, s.c_str(), s.length() );
/* flush all pending requests to the X server. */
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