UW base Profile: Drupal 8 + PatternLab
Built from Drupal 8 core and Gesso using the code from Forum One and the git hub repository.
Notes on theming
UW has taken the approach to use a component based design and has chosen Forum One's pattern-lab instance of Gesso from the git hub repository.
Gesso is now installed with Composer as the uw_wcms_gesso module in the composer.json.
Using Pattern-Lab
Once the rebuild is completed, you can visit pattern-lab at: https:///profiles/uw_base_profile/themes/uw_fdsu_theme_resp/uw_wcms_gesso/gesso/pattern-lab.
If you are doing development, simply navigate in a terminal /profiles/uw_fdsu_theme_resp/uw_wcms_gesso/gesso and run gulp
cd /var/www/drupal8/profiles/uw_fdsu_theme_resp/uw_wcms_gesso/gesso
Locally-modified modules
imageMagick 8.x-2.x-beta1-uw_wcms
- Base: 8.x-2.0-beta1
- Patch 60b739: Fix Animated GIF resizing. https://www.drupal.org/node/1802534#comment-12246133
components 8.x-2.0-beta1-uw_wcms1
- Base: 8.x-2.0-beta1
- Patch 3761f753: Fix core requirements. https://www.drupal.org/project/components/issues/3100006#comment-13385658
eck 8.x-1.0-alpha5-uw_wcms1
- Base: 8.x-1.0-alpha5
- 801e43d9: Patching updates after 8.7 drupal core
samlauth 8.x-3.0-alpha1-uw_wcms3
- Base: 8.x-3.0-alpha1
- Patch 4a4b894d: fixing event subscribers. https://www.drupal.org/project/samlauth/issues/2925171#comment-12351528
webform 8.x-5.6-uw_wcms2
- Base: 8.x-5.6
- 5752fc4a: allow webform libraries to use our repos
- cc6728b1: fix version numbers
To prepare a Drupal install for testing with PHPUnit, copy DRUPAL_ROOT/core/phpunit.xml.dist to DRUPAL_ROOT/core/phpunit.xml and in that file set:
SIMPLETEST_BASE_URL to the BASE_URL for your site.
SIMPLETEST_DB to the database URL following the pattern in the file.
Tests can be run from the Drupal UI. To run tests from the command line, run this in the DRUPAL_ROOT:
sudo --user www-data vendor/bin/phpunit -c core
Where is like: profiles/uw_base_profile/tests/src/Functional/UwWcmsBasicTest.php
Tests need to run with sudo because they need to run as the user that runs the web server.