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UWService.php 13.70 KiB
namespace Drupal\uw_cfg_common\Service;
use Drupal\Core\Database\Connection;
use Drupal\Core\Entity\EntityInterface;
use Drupal\Core\Entity\EntityTypeManagerInterface;
use Drupal\node\NodeInterface;
use Drupal\simplify_menu\MenuItems;
use Drupal\path_alias\AliasManager;
* Class UWService.
* UW Service that holds common functionality used by uw blocks.
* @package Drupal\uw_cfg_common\Service
class UWService implements UWServiceInterface {
* Entity type manager from core.
* @var \Drupal\Core\Entity\EntityTypeManagerInterface
private $entityTypeManager;
* Database connection.
* @var \Drupal\Core\Database\Connection
private $database;
* Simplify_menu menu items.
* @var \Drupal\simplify_menu\MenuItems
private $simplifyMenu;
* Simplify_menu menu items.
* @var \Drupal\simplify_menu\MenuItems
private $pathAliasManager;
* Default constructor.
* @param \Drupal\Core\Entity\EntityTypeManagerInterface $entityTypeManager
* Entity Type Manager from core.
* @param \Drupal\Core\Database\Connection $database
* The database entity.
* @param \Drupal\simplify_menu\MenuItems $simplifyMenu
* The simplify_menu menu items.
* @param \Drupal\path_alias\AliasManager $pathAliasManager
* The Drupal path alias manager.
public function __construct(EntityTypeManagerInterface $entityTypeManager, Connection $database, MenuItems $simplifyMenu, AliasManager $pathAliasManager) {
$this->entityTypeManager = $entityTypeManager;
$this->database = $database;
$this->simplifyMenu = $simplifyMenu;
$this->pathAliasManager = $pathAliasManager;
* {@inheritDoc}
public function prepareResponsiveImage(EntityInterface $entity, string $image_style): array {
// Load in the file object if we have one.
if ($file = $entity->field_media_image->entity) {
// Need to set these variables so that responsive image function,
// has all the necessary info to process the image style.
$variables['uri'] = $file->getFileUri();
$variables['responsive_image_style_id'] = $image_style;
// These is a function from the responsive image module that sets all
// the variables for the sources of the responsive image.
// Step through each of the sources and setup our own sources array.
foreach ($variables['sources'] as $source) {
$variables['responsive_sources'][] = [
'srcset' => $source->storage()['srcset']->value(),
'media' => $source->storage()['media']->value(),
'type' => $source->storage()['type']->value(),
return $variables;
return [];
* {@inheritDoc}
public function getTeaserContent(NodeInterface $node, array $variables_to_get, string $teaser_type): array {
$variables = [];
// Step through each of the variables to get and set the variables for the
// teaser content.
foreach ($variables_to_get as $variable_to_get) {
// Switch on the variable to get and set the variables for the teaser
// content.
switch ($variable_to_get) {
case 'title':
// Set the title from the node object.
$variables['title'] = $node->getTitle();
case 'url':
// Set the title from the node object.
$variables['url'] = $node->toUrl()->toString();
case 'date':
// Set the field name, all of our content types use the same format,
// field_uw_<content_type>_date.
$field_name = 'field_uw_' . trim($teaser_type) . '_date';
if (trim($teaser_type) == 'event') {
$variables['date'] = $node->$field_name->getValue();
else {
// Set the date variable, once returned to the calling function,
// they can change the date format as required (i.e. change it
// to long-date or date-time).
$variables['date'] = $node->$field_name->getString();
case 'author':
// If author is selected, get both the author name and link.
$variables['author_name'] = $node->getOwner()->getDisplayName();
$variables['author_link'] = $node->getOwner()->toUrl()->toString();
case 'sources':
// Event has a different name for the image than the rest, so ensuring
// that we get the correct field name for the image.
// In most cases it is field_uw_<content_type>_lising_page_image.
if ($teaser_type == 'event') {
$field_name = 'field_uw_event_listing_page_img';
else {
$field_name = 'field_uw_' . trim($teaser_type) . '_listing_page_image';
// Get the image object from the node.
$image = $node->$field_name->entity;
// Ensure that we have an image before adding variables.
if ($image !== NULL) {
// Get all the image variables, including the sources using the
// prepareResponsiveImage function.
$image_variables = $this->prepareResponsiveImage($image, 'uw_ris_media');
// Set the responsive image variables for the teaser content.
$variables['sources'] = $image_variables['responsive_sources'];
$variables['img_element'] = $image_variables['img_element']['#uri'];
$variables['alt'] = $image->field_media_image->alt;
case 'tags':
// Set the field name for the tags which is
// field_uw_<content_type>_tags.
$field_name = 'field_uw_' . trim($teaser_type) . '_tags';
// Get all the taxonomy terms for the blog.
// Step through each taxonomy term and get the tag info.
foreach ($node->$field_name as $tag) {
// Set the tags in the teaser content variables.
$variables['tags'][] = [
'title' => $tag->entity->name->value,
'url' => $tag->entity->toUrl()->toString(),
case 'content':
// Set the field name for the summary, which is
// field_name<content_type>_summary.
$field_name = 'field_uw_' . $teaser_type . '_summary';
// Set the render array for the summary, we simply can not just send
// the value as Drupal will just render it with no filters or HTML
// applied. We need to send the full render array.
$variables['content'] = [
'#type' => 'processed_text',
'#text' => $node->$field_name->value,
'#format' => $node->$field_name->format,
return $variables;
* {@inheritDoc}
public function getOrCheckAttachedSidebar(int $attached_page_nid, int $sidebar_nid = NULL, string $type = NULL): int {
// A database called to get the field with the condition of the
// attached_page_nid.
$result = $this->database
->select('node__field_uw_attach_page', 'nfuap')
->fields('nfuap', ['entity_id', 'field_uw_attach_page_target_id'])
->condition('field_uw_attach_page_target_id', $attached_page_nid);
// If we are doing a a check for sidebar, then add the condition
// that it is not equal to the current sidebar_nid that we are on.
// Meaning that we are checking for any other sidebars that this
// attached_page_nid is attached to.
if ($type == 'check') {
// Add the not equals to condition.
$result->condition('entity_id', $sidebar_nid, '<>');
// Get the results of query, we only need to fetch, because we are
// only every expecting one sidebar only has one other node page
// attached.
$results = $result->execute()->fetch();
// If we have results, then return the entity_id, which is the
// sidebar_nid that the attached_page_nid is attached to.
if (isset($results->entity_id)) {
// Return the entity_id.
return $results->entity_id;
// If we made it here, there are no other sidebars that the
// attached_page_nid is attached to, so we can simply return 0.
else {
return 0;
* {@inheritDoc}
public function getUwContentTypes($with_sidebar = FALSE): array {
$return_content_types = [];
// This is the list of all UW content types, with a TRUE/FALSE, indicating
// whether or not a sidebar can be attached to this content type.
$content_types = [
'uw_ct_blog' => TRUE,
'uw_ct_catalog_item' => FALSE,
'uw_ct_event' => TRUE,
'uw_ct_news_item' => TRUE,
'uw_ct_sidebar' => FALSE,
'uw_ct_site_footer' => FALSE,
'uw_ct_web_page' => TRUE,
foreach ($content_types as $key => $value) {
if ($with_sidebar && $value) {
$return_content_types[] = $key;
elseif (!$with_sidebar) {
$return_content_types[] = $key;
return $return_content_types;
* {@inheritDoc}
public function uwGetMenu(string $menu_name = 'main', bool $count_menu_items = FALSE, bool $include_parent_in_count = FALSE): array {
// The base path, need this for removing when on subfoldered sites,
// for example d8/fdsu5/, we need to remove the fdsu5 from the path
// alias.
global $base_path;
// Get the main menu from the simplify menu module.
$menu = $this->simplifyMenu->getMenuTree($menu_name);
// Set it to the menu_tree which is done by simplify menu.
$menu = $menu['menu_tree'];
// Step through each menu and ensure that it is published.
foreach ($menu as $key => $m) {
// Remove the base path from the url so that we can get
// the actual content from the path alias.
$alias = str_replace($base_path, '', $m['url']);
// Get the path from the URL of the menu link.
$path = $this->pathAliasManager->getPathByAlias('/' . $alias);
// Check if it is a node path and if so check if published.
if(preg_match('/node\/(\d+)/', $path, $matches)) {
// Load in the node based on the path.
$node = $this->entityTypeManager->getStorage('node')->load($matches[1]);
// If the node is unpublished, remove it from the menus.
if ($node->status->value == 0) {
// If we want to have the count of menu items, then count them.
if ($count_menu_items) {
// Add the count of the menu items.
$menu = $this->uwSetMenuItems($menu, $include_parent_in_count);
return $menu;
* {@inheritDoc}
public function uwSetMenuItems(array $menus, bool $include_parent_in_count = FALSE): array {
// Step through the menu and do a few things:
// (a) Remove the Home link (this will be a house icon)
// (b) Add the number of menu items per menu link.
foreach ($menus as $index => $menu) {
// If this is the Home link, then remove it.
if ($menu['text'] == "Home") {
// Remove the home link.
// If we are not on the home link, then add the number
// of menu items in this menu link.
else {
// Set the menu_item_count, initially to 0.
$menu_items_count = 0;
// If there is a submenu, recursivley call the count function.
if (isset($menu['submenu']) && count($menu['submenu']) > 0) {
// Call the count function recursively till we have the number of
// menu items.
$this->uwCountMenuItems($menu['submenu'], $menu_items_count);
// Set the menu items count.
// If we need to include the parent in the count, for example the
// main menu will print the parent inside the tray, then we increment
// the menu items count by 1.
if ($include_parent_in_count) {
// Set the menu items count in the menu.
$menus[$index]['menu_items_count'] = $menu_items_count;
// If there are no submenus, the count is 0, there will be no tray.
else {
// Set the number of items count, which is 0.
$menus[$index]['menu_items_count'] = $menu_items_count;
return $menus;
* {@inheritDoc}
public function uwCountMenuItems($menus, &$menu_items_count): void {
// Step through the menus and check for submenus and count.
foreach ($menus as $menu) {
// Increment the menu items counter.
// If there is a submenu, recursivley call the count function.
if (isset($menu['submenu']) && count($menu['submenu']) > 0) {
// Recursively check the submenu.
$this->uwCountMenuItems($menu['submenu'], $menu_items_count);
* Determine whether a node is the home page.
* @param int $nid
* A node ID.
* @return bool
* TRUE when the node is the home page, FALSE otherwise.
public static function nodeIsHomePage(int $nid): bool {
$front_page_path = \Drupal::configFactory()->get('')->get('page.front');
$node_alias = \Drupal::service('path_alias.manager')->getAliasByPath('/node/' . $nid);
return $front_page_path === $node_alias;
* {@inheritDoc}
public function uwMonthNameShort(int $month = NULL) {
static $months = [
1 => 'Jan.',
2 => 'Feb.',
3 => 'Mar.',
4 => 'Apr.',
5 => 'May',
6 => 'June',
7 => 'July',
8 => 'Aug.',
9 => 'Sep.',
10 => 'Oct.',
11 => 'Nov.',
12 => 'Dec.',
if ($month) {
return $months[$month];
else {
return $months;