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  • wcms/uw_cfg_common
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langcode: en
status: true
dependencies: { }
id: waterloo_news
block_id: uw_cbl_waterloo_news
category: uw_bc_listings
label: 'Waterloo News'
image_path: images/layout_builder_browser/waterloonewslist.svg
image_path_base: 'theme:uw_fdsu_theme_resp'
image_alt: 'Waterloo News'
weight: 0
class: Drupal\uw_cfg_common\Commands\UwDrushCommands
arguments: ['@entity_type.manager', '@uw_cfg_common.missing_blocks', '@config.factory', '@module_handler', '@module_installer']
arguments: ['@entity_type.manager', '@uw_cfg_common.missing_blocks', '@config.factory', '@module_handler', '@module_installer', '@uw_multilingual.setup_new_language']
- { name: drush.command }
......@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
use Drupal\taxonomy\Entity\Term;
* Function to get the class for the term.
* Function to get the class for the term form the object.
* @param \Drupal\taxonomy\Entity\Term $term
* The term object.
......@@ -17,35 +17,54 @@ use Drupal\taxonomy\Entity\Term;
* The class for the term.
function uw_get_org_class_from_term(Term $term): string {
return uw_get_org_class_from_name($term->label());
* Function to get the class for the term using the name.
* @param string $name
* The term object.
* @return string
* The class for the term.
function uw_get_org_class_from_name(string $name): string {
// Get the class name from the term label.
switch ($term->label()) {
switch ($name) {
case 'Conrad Grebel University College':
$class = 'org-cgc';
case 'Faculty of Arts':
case 'Arts':
$class = 'org-art';
case 'Faculty of Engineering':
case 'Engineering':
$class = 'org-eng';
case 'Faculty of Environment':
case 'Environment':
$class = 'org-env';
case 'Faculty of Health':
case 'Health':
$class = 'org-ahs';
case 'Faculty of Mathematics':
case 'Math':
$class = 'org-mat';
case 'Faculty of Science':
case 'Science':
$class = 'org-sci';
......@@ -82,3 +101,121 @@ function uw_get_short_faculty_tag(string $label): string {
return str_replace('Faculty of ', '', $label);
* Function to get the content type list that use tags and their links.
* @return string[]
* Array of content types with tags and their links.
function uw_get_content_type_list_for_tags(): array {
// The list of content types and their listing page url.
return [
'uw_ct_blog' => 'blog',
'uw_ct_event' => 'events',
'uw_ct_news_item' => 'news',
'uw_ct_opportunity' => 'opportunities',
'uw_ct_profile' => 'profiles',
'uw_ct_project' => 'projects/search',
'uw_ct_service' => 'services',
* Function to get the tag field names and their links.
* @return string[]
* Array to get the field names and their links.
function uw_get_tag_field_names_and_links(): array {
// The tag field names to use in the parameters.
return [
'field_uw_audience' => 'audience',
'field_uw_event_type' => 'type',
'field_uw_opportunity_type' => 'opportunity_type',
'field_uw_opportunity_employment' => 'employment_type',
'field_uw_opportunity_pay_type' => 'rate_of_pay',
'field_uw_ct_profile_type' => 'type',
'field_uw_project_status' => 'status',
'field_uw_project_topics' => 'topics',
'field_uw_service_audience' => 'audience',
'field_uw_service_category' => 'categories',
* Function to fix the array for tags.
* @param array $tags
* The array of tags.
* @param string $content_type
* The content type.
* @return array
* Array of fixed tags.
function uw_fix_tags_array(array $tags, string $content_type): array {
// The tag field names to use in the parameters.
$tag_field_names = uw_get_tag_field_names_and_links();
// Get the content type list for tags.
$content_type_list = uw_get_content_type_list_for_tags();
// Step through each of the tags and get the
// correct url.
foreach ($tags as $index => $tag) {
// Start the url to the content type listing page, service
// category does not require the content type after the /.
if ($tag['field_name'] !== 'field_uw_service_category') {
$new_url = '/' . $content_type_list[$content_type];
else {
$new_url = '';
// If the tag is in the list of field names to convert,
// then convert them using the url provided, if not use
// the field name with tags.
if (array_key_exists($tag['field_name'], $tag_field_names)) {
// If this is not a service tag, add the query parameters.
// Services require a special url, so we will take care
// of that later.
if (
$tag['field_name'] !== 'field_uw_service_audience' &&
$tag['field_name'] !== 'field_uw_service_category'
) {
$new_url .= '?' . $tag_field_names[$tag['field_name']];
else {
$new_url .= '?tags';
// Add the tid to the new url, projects status requires
// the non array for tid.
if ($tag['field_name'] == 'field_uw_project_status') {
$new_url .= '=' . $tag['tid'];
// If this is a service, just use the url to the term.
elseif (
$tag['field_name'] == 'field_uw_service_audience' ||
$tag['field_name'] == 'field_uw_service_category'
) {
$new_url .= $tag['url'];
// Add the array tid query parameter.
else {
$new_url .= '[' . $tag['tid'] . ']=' . $tag['tid'];
// Set the new url.
$tags[$index]['url'] = $new_url;
return $tags;
......@@ -9,6 +9,7 @@ use Drupal\Core\ProxyClass\Extension\ModuleInstaller;
use Drupal\uw_cfg_common\Service\UWMissingBlocks;
use Drupal\uw_cfg_common\UwPermissions\UwPermissions;
use Drupal\uw_cfg_common\UwRoles\UwRoles;
use Drupal\uw_multilingual\Service\UwMultiLingualSetupInterface;
use Drush\Commands\DrushCommands;
use Drush\Utils\StringUtils;
......@@ -54,6 +55,13 @@ class UwDrushCommands extends DrushCommands {
protected $moduleInstaller;
* Uw Multi-Lingual service.
* @var \Drupal\uw_multilingual\Service\UwMultiLingualSetupInterface
protected $uwMultiLingualService;
* {@inheritDoc}
......@@ -62,13 +70,15 @@ class UwDrushCommands extends DrushCommands {
UWMissingBlocks $missingBlocks,
ConfigFactoryInterface $configFactory,
ModuleHandlerInterface $moduleHandler,
ModuleInstaller $moduleInstaller
ModuleInstaller $moduleInstaller,
UwMultiLingualSetupInterface $uwMultiLingualService
) {
$this->entityTypeManager = $entityTypeManager;
$this->missingBlocks = $missingBlocks;
$this->configFactory = $configFactory;
$this->moduleHandler = $moduleHandler;
$this->moduleInstaller = $moduleInstaller;
$this->uwMultiLingualService = $uwMultiLingualService;
......@@ -288,4 +298,29 @@ class UwDrushCommands extends DrushCommands {
* Call service of multi-lingual module to set up language settings.
* @param string $language_code
* The language code to update the entities to.
* @command uw:update-language
* @aliases uwul
* @usage uw:update-language fr
* - Create the FR language and configure all settings.
* @throws \Exception
public function updateLanguage(string $language_code) {
try {
'language' => $language_code,
catch (\Exception $exception) {
namespace Drupal\uw_cfg_common\Form;
use Drupal\Core\Form\ConfigFormBase;
use Drupal\Core\Form\FormStateInterface;
use Symfony\Component\DependencyInjection\ContainerInterface;
* Class DefaultForm.
class UwVideoBannerConfigForm extends ConfigFormBase {
* Drupal\Core\Entity\EntityTypeManagerInterface definition.
* @var \Drupal\Core\Entity\EntityTypeManagerInterface
protected $entityTypeManager;
* Current user.
* @var \Drupal\Core\Session\AccountInterface
protected $currentUser;
* {@inheritdoc}
public static function create(ContainerInterface $container) {
$instance = parent::create($container);
$instance->entityTypeManager = $container->get('entity_type.manager');
$instance->currentUser = $container->get('current_user');
return $instance;
* {@inheritdoc}
protected function getEditableConfigNames() {
return [
* {@inheritdoc}
public function getFormId() {
return 'video_banner_settings';
* {@inheritdoc}
public function buildForm(array $form, FormStateInterface $form_state) {
$config = $this->config('uw_cfg_common_video_banner.settings');
$form['settings']['video_banner_enabled'] = [
'#type' => 'checkbox',
'#title' => $this->t('Enable third-party video banners using a paid Vimeo account'),
'#description' => $this->t('ONLY enable this if you will be using a video from a paid Vimeo account. Videos from free accounts will display the video player and other Vimeo interface elements over the video.'),
'#default_value' => $config->get('video_banner_enabled'),
return parent::buildForm($form, $form_state);
* {@inheritdoc}
public function submitForm(array &$form, FormStateInterface $form_state) {
parent::submitForm($form, $form_state);
$config = $this->config('uw_cfg_common_video_banner.settings');
$config->set('video_banner_enabled', $form_state->getValue('video_banner_enabled'));
......@@ -701,7 +701,20 @@ class UwNodeFieldValue {
// Step through each of the terms and add to array.
foreach ($field_name as $field) {
$tags = array_merge($tags, $this->getTermsFromEntityField($node->$field, 'tags'));
$tags = array_merge($tags, $this->getTermsFromEntityField($node->$field, 'tags', $field));
// If the content type is in the list to convert,
// then perform the url conversion.
if (
) {
// Fix the array of tags with correct urls.
$tags = uw_fix_tags_array($tags, $node->getType());
// Return array of terms.
......@@ -855,13 +868,19 @@ class UwNodeFieldValue {
* List of values for the provided field.
* @param string|null $type
* The type of terms to get, if none provided just term name returned.
* @param string|null $field_name
* The name of the field.
* @return array
* List of terms with name and link.
* @throws \Drupal\Core\Entity\EntityMalformedException
public function getTermsFromEntityField(EntityReferenceFieldItemListInterface $values, string $type = NULL): array {
public function getTermsFromEntityField(
EntityReferenceFieldItemListInterface $values,
string $type = NULL,
string $field_name = NULL
): array {
// Array to hold the terms, need to set to
// null in case there are no terms to be
......@@ -907,6 +926,8 @@ class UwNodeFieldValue {
$terms[] = [
'title' => $term_entity->getName(),
'url' => $url,
'tid' => $term_entity->id(),
'field_name' => $field_name,
else {
......@@ -49,5 +49,6 @@ permissions:
- 'customize shortcut links'
- 'edit users role expire'
- 'enable disable ofis profiles'
- 'enable disable third-party video settings'
- 'publish own pdfs'
- 'view UW CSV reports'
......@@ -66,3 +66,4 @@ dependencies:
- 'subpathauto:subpathauto'
- 'transliterate_filenames:transliterate_filenames'
- 'uw_media:uw_media'
- 'uw_multilingual:uw_multilingual'
......@@ -727,3 +727,7 @@ uw_site_management.uw_menu_report_csv:
menu_name: uw-menu-site-management
route_name: uw_cfg_common.uw_menu_report_csv
weight: 0
title: 'Third-party video banner settings'
menu_name: uw-menu-site-management
route_name: uw_cfg_common.video_banner_settings_form
......@@ -1217,11 +1217,6 @@ function uw_cfg_common_form_user_register_form_alter(array &$form, FormStateInte
function uw_cfg_common_form_alter(array &$form, FormStateInterface $form_state, string $form_id): void {
// Hide hide_branding field in simple sitemap settings.
if ($form_id == 'simple_sitemap_settings_form' && isset($form['settings']['hide_branding'])) {
// Only blog, event and news item has 'Image' option.
$hero_image_form_ids = [
......@@ -1289,6 +1284,15 @@ function uw_cfg_common_form_alter(array &$form, FormStateInterface $form_state,
// Add custom validation for blank summaries.
$form['#validate'][] = '_uw_cfg_common_blank_summaries_validation';
// Get the vimeo banner settings.
$config = \Drupal::config('uw_cfg_common_video_banner.settings');
// If the vimeo video banner is not enabled, remove the
// option from the dropdown for banners.
if (!$config->get('video_banner_enabled')) {
// ISTWCMS-4648: removing revisions from layout builder page.
......@@ -24,3 +24,6 @@
'view UW CSV reports':
title: 'View UW CSV reports'
description: 'Allows access to UW CSV reports.'
'enable disable third-party video settings':
title: 'Access third-party video settings'
description: 'Allows access to configure third-party video settings.'
......@@ -62,3 +62,12 @@ bibcite_import.populate:
_title: 'Populate publication reference values'
_permission: 'bibcite populate+administer bibcite'
path: '/admin/third-party-video-banner-settings'
_form: '\Drupal\uw_cfg_common\Form\UwVideoBannerConfigForm'
_title: 'Third-party video banner settings'
_permission: 'enable disable third-party video settings'
_admin_route: TRUE
class: Drupal\uw_cfg_common\Commands\UwDrushCommands
arguments: [ '@entity_type.manager', '@uw_cfg_common.missing_blocks', '@config.factory', '@module_handler', '@module_installer' ]
arguments: [ '@entity_type.manager', '@uw_cfg_common.missing_blocks', '@config.factory', '@module_handler', '@module_installer', '@uw_multilingual.setup_new_language' ]
- { name: drush.command }