2 merge requests!60ISTWCMS-6095 Update maxlength settings for title, text fields and link fields...,!51ISTWCMS-6850 Add message to service to create categories if none exist
@@ -121,6 +122,33 @@ function uw_ct_service_form_node_uw_ct_service_form_alter(array &$form, FormStat
// ISTWCMS-5551: adding help text to office hours exception days.
$form['field_uw_service_hours']['widget']['office_hours_exceptions']['#description']=t('<p>Exceptions further in the future will display once the exception is under one week away.</p>');
Link::fromTextAndUrl(t('Add a service category.'),Url::fromUri('internal:/admin/structure/taxonomy/manage/uw_vocab_service_categories/add'))->toString();
// Add in our own validation to check if there is no service categories.