ISTWCMS-6907 Add and config deorative_image_widget
requested to merge feature/ISTWCMS-6907-l26yan-Add-and-config-decorative_image_widget-NEW into 1.0.x
- May 30, 2024
Lily Yan authorede0c5508a
Lily Yan authored
ISTWCMS-6907 Make sure fields under Default and Media library in admin/structure/media/manage/uw_mt_vimeo_banner_video/form-display
a06bd24d -
Lily Yan authored
ISTWCMS-6907 Make sure fields under Default and Media library in admin/structure/media/manage/uw_mt_remote_video/form-display
7b8ca83f -
Lily Yan authored
ISTWCMS-6907 Make sure fields under Default and Media library in admin/structure/media/manage/uw_mt_local_video/form-display
4e536cd1 -
Lily Yan authored
ISTWCMS-6907 Make sure fields under Default and Media library in admin/structure/media/manage/uw_mt_image/form-display
d5c48294 -
Lily Yan authored
ISTWCMS-6907 Make sure fields under Default and Media library in admin/structure/media/manage/uw_mt_icon/form-display
3545434f -
Lily Yan authored
ISTWCMS-6907 Make sure fields under Default and Media library in admin/structure/media/manage/uw_mt_file/form-display
975a8509 -
Lily Yan authored
ISTWCMS-6907 Edit the form display settings for the image and icon, then enable the option to force the image to be marked decorative when no alt text is provided.
f563671a -
Lily Yan authored
ISTWCMS-6907 Edit field_media_image_1 and field_media_image, then make sure alt text is enabled and NOT required