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Commit fa7e2496 authored by Eric Bremner's avatar Eric Bremner
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ISTWCMS-5647: adding the mosst basic for node to work

parent 868082e3
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1 merge request!14Feature/istwcms 5647 ebremner migrate node
with 622 additions and 0 deletions
.card__node {
> .card__header,
> .card__footer {
margin: 0 auto;
max-width: $max-width;
.uw-node__without-image & {
.card__footer {
margin: 0 auto;
max-width: $max-width;
padding: 0 gesso-spacing(sm);
@include xl {
padding: 0;
.card__tags {
margin: 1rem auto;
max-width: $max-width;
padding: 0 gesso-spacing(sm);
@include xl {
padding: 0;
.card__footer {
margin-bottom: rem(gesso-spacing(md));
margin-top: auto;
padding: 0 gesso-spacing(sm);
@include xl {
padding: 0;
// CSS for specific node card presentations:
// Currently this is PL demo only
// needs to be implemented correctly when webpage has media.
.uw-node__with-image & {
align-items: center;
background-position: center center;
background-repeat: no-repeat;
background-size: cover;
display: grid;
height: 45rem;
justify-items: center;
min-height: 44rem;
position: relative;
.card__header {
@include uw-contained-width(75rem);
margin-top: 0;
.card__title {
background: rgba(0,0,0,0.50);
margin-bottom: 0;
margin-top: 2rem;
padding: gesso-spacing(md) gesso-spacing(md);
// CSS for specific node card presentations:
&--contact {
display: grid;
gap: $grid-gap;
.card__content {
.layout {
padding: 0;
@include medium {
display: grid;
gap: 2rem;
grid-template-columns: 10rem 1fr;
.card__image {
grid-column: 1 / 3;
grid-row: 1 / 10;
@include medium {
grid-column: 1 / 2;
.card__footer {
grid-column: 1 / 3;
@include medium {
grid-column: 2 / 3;
padding: 0;
.uw-node__without-image & {
@include medium {
grid-template-columns: 100%;
.card__footer {
grid-column: 1 / 2;
// CSS for specific node card presentations:
&--event {
.uw-node__without-image & {
@include uw-contained-width();
.uw-node__with-image & {
.card__featured-image {
align-items: center;
background-position: center center;
background-repeat: no-repeat;
background-size: cover;
display: grid;
height: 45rem;
justify-items: center;
min-height: 44rem;
position: relative;
.card__header {
// Width is experimental to match one of the wide-width in
// layouts for small width page look.
@include uw-contained-width(49.0625rem);
align-self: end;
margin-bottom: 0;
margin-top: 0;
.card__date {
margin-bottom: 0;
margin-top: 0;
.card__title {
background: gesso-brand(org-default, uw-white, primary);
font-size: gesso-font-size(8);
margin-bottom: 0;
margin-top: 0;
padding: gesso-spacing(sm) gesso-spacing(sm);
.card__sub-title {
background: gesso-brand(org-default, uw-white, primary);
font-size: gesso-font-size(4);
margin-bottom: 0;
margin-top: 0;
padding: gesso-spacing(xs) gesso-spacing(sm);
.card__author {
background: gesso-brand(org-default, uw-white, primary);
margin-bottom: 0;
margin-top: 0;
padding: gesso-spacing(xs) gesso-spacing(sm);
.card__tags {
// Width is experimental to match one of the max-widths in
// layouts for narrower width page look.
@include uw-contained-width(47.0625rem);
// CSS for displaying the title within the node :
.uw-node__without-image &{
{% if or node.image %}
{% set node_image_class = 'with-image' %}
{% else %}
{% set node_image_class = 'without-image' %}
{% endif %}
{% set modifier_classes = 'node--' ~ node.bundle %}
<div class="uw-node__{{ node_image_class }}">
{% include '@components/card/card.twig' with {
'url': node.url,
'type': type,
'show_hover': '',
'header': node.header,
'show_header': show_header,
'image': node.image,
'content': node.content,
'footer': node.footer,
'tags': node.tags,
'ical': node.ical,
} %}
<h2>Node - basic</h2>
{% include '@components/card/card--node/_card--node.twig' with {
'node': node_webpage,
'type': 'node'
} %}
<h2>Node - with media</h2>
{% include '@components/card/card--node/_card--node.twig' with {
'node': node_webpage_media,
'type': 'node'
} %}
<h2>Node - Blog (without media)</h2>
{% include '@components/card/card--node/_card--node.twig' with {
'node': node_blog,
'type': 'node'
} %}
<h2>Node - Blog (with media)</h2>
{% include '@components/card/card--node/_card--node.twig' with {
'node': node_blog_media,
'type': 'node'
} %}
<h2>Node - Event (without media)</h2>
{% include '@components/card/card--node/_card--node.twig' with {
'node': node_event,
'type': 'node'
} %}
<h2>Node - Event (with media)</h2>
{% include '@components/card/card--node/_card--node.twig' with {
'node': node_event_media,
'type': 'node'
} %}
<h2>Node - News (without media)</h2>
{% include '@components/card/card--node/_card--node.twig' with {
'node': node_news,
'type': 'node'
} %}
<h2>Node - News (with media)</h2>
{% include '@components/card/card--node/_card--node.twig' with {
'node': node_news_media,
'type': 'node'
} %}
<div class="card__author">
{% if %}
<a href="{{ }}">{{ }}</a>
{% else %}
{{ }}
{% endif %}
<div class="card__date">
{% for d in date %}
{% if date|length > 1 and loop.index0 == 0 %}
<details class="uw-date-details">
<summary role="button" aria-controls="edit-future-dates-collapsible" aria-expanded="false" aria-pressed="false" class="uw-date-details__summary">
{% endif %}
{% if modifier_classes != 'node--opportunity' %}
<span class="uw-date">
{% endif %}
{% if d.all_day %}
{% if d.start_date %}
{% set ddate = d.start_date %}
{% else %}
{% set ddate = %}
{% endif %}
{% include '@components/date/_date.twig' with {
'date_format': 'long',
'date': ddate,
} %} (all day)
{% elseif d.date_range %}
{% include '@components/date/_date.twig' with {
'date_format': 'long_with_time',
'date': d.start_date,
} %}
{% if d.same_day %}
{% include '@components/date/_date.twig' with {
'date_format': 'time_only',
'date': d.end_date,
} %}
{% else %}
{% include '@components/date/_date.twig' with {
'date_format': 'long_with_time',
'date': d.end_date,
} %}
{% endif %}
{% include '@components/date/_date.twig' with {
'date_format': 'timezone',
'date': d.start_date,
} %}
{% else %}
{% include '@components/date/_date.twig' with {
'date_format': date_format,
} %}
{% endif %}
{% if date|length > 1 and loop.index0 == 0 %}
{% endif %}
{% if date|length > 1 and loop.last %}
{% endif %}
{% if modifier_classes != 'node--opportunity' %}
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{% for source in hero_image.sources|reverse %}
@media only screen and {{ | replace({'all and': ''}) }} {
.card__featured-image {
background-image: url("{{ source.srcset | replace({ ' 1x': '' }) }}");
{% endfor %}
<div class="card__featured-image" role="img" aria-label="{{ hero_image.alt }}">
{% if header %}
{% include '@components/card/card-elements/_header.twig' with {
'header': header,
'show_title': 'yes',
} %}
{% endif %}
<div class="card__media">
{% if media.type == 'banner' %}
{% include '@components/banners/banners.twig' with {
} only %}
{% endif %}
{% if media.type == 'image' %}
{% include '@components/card/card-elements/_hero-image.twig' with {
'header': header
} %}
{% endif %}
{% if media.type == 'remote_video' %}
{% include '@components/remote-video/remote-video.twig' with {
} %}
{% endif %}
{% if header_level %}
<h{{ header_level }} class="card__title">
{% else %}
<div class="card__title">
{% endif %}
{% if url and type != 'node' %}
<a href="{{ url }}">
{% endif %}
{{ title }}
{% if url and type != 'node' %}
{% endif %}
{% if header_level %}
</h{{ header_level }}>
{% else %}
{% endif%}
{% if sub_title %}
<span class="card__sub-title">{{ sub_title }}</span>
{% endif %}
.uw-date {
@include large {
box-sizing: border-box;
display: inline-block;
.uw-date {
box-sizing: border-box;
padding: rem(gesso-spacing(xs)) rem(gesso-spacing(sm));
&:first-child {
padding: rem(gesso-spacing(xs)) 2.75rem rem(gesso-spacing(xs)) rem(gesso-spacing(sm));
text-transform: uppercase;
&[open] {
background-color: transparent !important;
.card__node--event & {
position: absolute;
z-index: gesso-z-index(content);
@include xs {
.uw-date-details__summary {
.uw-date {
background-position: right 0.75rem center; // LTR
background-repeat: no-repeat;
background-size: rem(13px);
box-sizing: border-box;
cursor: pointer;
display: inline-block;
.block-uw-cbl-multi-type-list & {
background-position: right 0.5rem center; // LTR
&::-webkit-details-marker {
display: none;
$faculties: 'org-default', 'org-ahs', 'org-art', 'org-eng', 'org-env', 'org-mat', 'org-sci';
@each $faculty in $faculties {
.#{$faculty} {
@if $faculty == org-default {
.uw-date-details {
background-color: gesso-brand(org-default, uw-gold, 'primary');
.uw-date {
background-color: gesso-brand(org-default, uw-gold, 'primary');
&[open] {
.uw-date-details__summary {
@include svg-background(mobile-arrow-up);
.uw-date-details__summary {
.uw-date {
@include svg-background(mobile-arrow-down);
background-color: gesso-brand(org-default, uw-gold,'primary');
color: gesso-brand(org-default,uw-black,'primary');
} @else {
.uw-date-details {
background-color: gesso-brand($faculty, 'primary');
.uw-date {
background-color: gesso-brand($faculty, 'primary');
&[open] {
.uw-date-details__summary {
@include svg-background(mobile-arrow-up-w);
@include svg-background(mobile-arrow-down-w);
background-color:gesso-brand($faculty, 'primary');
color: gesso-brand(org-default, uw-white, 'primary');
{% if date_format == 'long' %}
{{ date|date('l, F j, Y') }}
{% endif %}
{% if date_format == 'standard' %}
{{ date|date('F j, Y') }}
{% endif %}
{% if date_format == 'long_with_time' %}
{{ date|date('l, F j, Y g:i a') }}
{% endif %}
{% if date_format == 'time_only' %}
{{ date|date('g:i a') }}
{% endif %}
{% if date_format == 'timezone' %}
{{ date|date('T') }}
{% endif %}
{% if date_format == 'month_only' %}
{{ date|date('F Y') }}
{% endif %}
(function ($, Drupal) {
'use strict';
Drupal.behaviors.uwdate = {
attach: function () {
function () {
function () {
var findHeight = $(this).find($('.uw-date-details__summary .uw-date'));
var dateHeight = findHeight.outerHeight(true) + 'px';
// On click set the height of parent card__date.
// allow for no jump when 2 lines
$(this) .on(
'click', function () {
// Get the parent and set min-height.
$(this).parent('.card__date').css('min-height', dateHeight);
})(jQuery, Drupal);
{% if pattern_lab %}
{% include '@components/label/label.twig' with {
'label': 'Standard (date_format: standard)'
} %}
{% include '@components/date/_date.twig' with {
'date_format': 'standard',
'date': date()
} %}
{% include '@components/label/label.twig' with {
'label': 'Long (date_format: long)'
} %}
{% include '@components/date/_date.twig' with {
'date_format': 'long',
'date': date()
} %}
{% include '@components/label/label.twig' with {
'label': 'Long with time (date_format: long_with_time)'
} %}
{% include '@components/date/_date.twig' with {
'date_format': 'long_with_time',
'date': date()
} %}
{% include '@components/label/label.twig' with {
'label': 'Time only (date_format: time_only)'
} %}
{% include '@components/date/_date.twig' with {
'date_format': 'time_only',
'date': date()
} %}
{% include '@components/label/label.twig' with {
'label': 'Timezone (date_format: timezone)'
} %}
{% include '@components/date/_date.twig' with {
'date_format': 'timezone',
'date': date()
} %}
{% include '@components/label/label.twig' with {
'label': 'Month only (date_format: month_only)'
} %}
{% include '@components/date/_date.twig' with {
'date_format': 'month_only',
'date': date()
} %}
{% endif %}
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