@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ Your task is to implement four other algorithms on this domain.
-**(15%)** Implement Policy Iteration
-**(15%)** Implement SARSA
-**(15%)** Implement QLearning
-**(40%)** Report : Write a short report on the problem and the results of your three algorithms. The report should be submited on LEARN as a pdf:
-**(40%)** Report : Write a short report on the problem and the results of your four algorithms. The report should be submited on LEARN as a pdf:
- Describing each algorithm you used, define the states, actions, dynamics. Define the mathematical formulation of your algorithm, show the Bellman updates you use.
- Some quantitative analysis of the results, a default plot for comparing all algorithms is given. You can do more plots than this.
- Some qualitative analysis of you observations where one algorithm works well in each case, what you noticed along the way, explain the differences in performance related to the algorithms.