GMap Module =========== GMap is an API and a related set of modules which allows the integration of Google Maps with a Drupal site. gmap.module: The main module. Contains the API, the basic map functions, Views integration and an text filter to create macros into working maps with minimal effort. gmap_location.module: Provides map features for Location.module (v2 and v3). gmap_macro_builder.module: End-user UI for easily creating GMap macros. gmap_taxonomy.module: API and utility for changing map markers of for points from Location.module based on taxonomy terms. Installation ------------ To install, follow the general directions available at: In order to use this module, you need a (free) Google Maps API key. Here is how to get one: 1. Login using a Google account to 2. Create project 3. Go to 'Services' and turn on 'Google Maps API v2' and 'Google Maps API v3'. 4. Go to 'API Access' and copy the API Key from the "Simple API Access" section. 5. Paste the API Key into the GMap settings page at admin/config/services/gmap. You may need to make changes to your theme so that Google Maps can display correctly. See the section on "Google Maps and Quirks Mode" below. If you would like to use GMap macros directly in nodes, you will need to add the GMap Macro filter to an text format (or create a new text format that includes it). Read for more information on text formats. If you are using the HTML filter, it will need to appear BEFORE the GMap filter; otherwise the HTML filter will remove the GMap code. To modify the order of filters in an text format, go to the "Rearrange" tab on the text format's configuration page (Administer > Configuration > Content authoring > Text formats, then click "configure" by your format). If you would like to use third party functionality such as custom marker libraries read thirdparty/README.txt for download links and instructions. If you are translating this module to a different language also see the gmap.strings.php file for further installation instructions. This is required for translation of marker type strings to work. Google Maps and Quirks Mode --------------------------- Google Maps may have rendering issues when a doctype is not declared on your site. Specifically, Google Maps will have problems when the browser is using "quirks mode". To render pages in "standards compliant mode", use either an HTML5 doctype or XHTML Strict doctype as the first line of your HTML: HTML5 doctype: <!DOCTYPE html> XHTML Strict doctype: <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" ""> Views Integration ----------------- The GMap module includes built-in integration with the Views module. You can use this to turn any list of nodes, users, or other content into a Google Map that plots each item on a map. To make a GMap-based view, create or edit a view under Administer > Structure > Views. Under the "Format" section, change the format by clicking on the current format type (usually "Unformatted list"). Then change the format type to either "GMap" or "Extended GMap". For each view you create that uses a GMap format, you may either use a custom configuration or inherit the site-wide defaults. To make an advanced map configuration, you may type or copy/paste a GMap macro into the "Macro" textarea at the top of the GMap format configuration settings. See the section on "Macros" for more information about how to customize the configuration of your map using these powerful tools. If you don't want a custom configuration for this view, just leave the default value for the Macro field. The only other critically important setting when configuring a GMap format in Views is the "Data Source" field. GMap can accept data from several different sources, but ultimately it comes down to acquiring a latitude and longitude pair for each item being displayed in the list. GMap module can acquire the lat/long pair from any of the following sources: - Location.module - Geofield.module - Geolocation.module - or a pair of simple text or number fields If you use the pair of text fields, you must also change your view to use a list of fields. To do this, under the "Format" section of the view configuration, click on the current row display style (usually the word "Content") and change it to "Fields". Then under the "Fields" section of the view configuration, add the fields you're using to store the latitude and longitude (they must be two separate fields). It may be a good idea to use the "Exclude from display" option on each of these fields, so they aren't shown in the actual GMap marker popups. Macros ------ "GMap macros" are text-based representations of Google Maps. A GMap macro can be created with the GMap Macro Builder tool or by hand. Any map parameter not specified by a macro will use the defaults from the GMap settings page (Administer > Site configuration > Web services > GMap). There are several places where you may use Gmap macros, including: 1) GMap settings, like the GMap Location module's settings page. 2) Any node where the GMap filter is enabled (as part of the text format). A GMap macro will look something like this (see the advanced help pages (or the files in help/ in the module folder) for syntax details): [gmap markers=blue::41.902277040963696,-87.6708984375 |zoom=5 |center=42.94033923363183,-88.857421875 |width=300px |height=200px |control=Small |type=Map] The GMap Macro Builder is a GUI for creating GMap macros; you may use it to create a map with points, lines, polygons, and circles, and then copy and paste the resulting macro text. After you insert the macro into a node, you can edit it using raw values that you get from elsewhere to create a different set of points or lines on the map. If you've enabled the gmap_macro_builder.module, you can access the GMap macro builder at the 'map/macro' path (there will be "Build a GMap macro" link in your Navigation menu). Note that there are many more options you can set on your maps if you are willing to edit macros by hand. For example, you may add KML or GeoRSS overlays to GMaps, but this option isn't available through the macro builder. Again, see the advanced help pages for syntax details. User and node maps ------------------ User and node location maps are made available by gmap_location.module, and work in conjunction with location.module. Any user that has the 'view user map' or 'view node map' permission can see the user or node maps, respectively. These are maps with a marker for every user or node, and are located at the 'map/user' and 'map/node' paths (links to these maps are placed in the Navigation menu). Users with the 'view user location details' permission can click markers on the User map to see information on individual users. GMap Location also provides two map blocks that work with node locations: a "Location map" block that displays the location markers associated with the node being viewed, and an "Author map" block that displays a marker representing the node author's location. GMap Location provides an interactive Google Map to the Location module for setting the latitude and longitude; users must have Location's "submit latitude/longitude" to use this feature. Markers ------- The 'markers' directory contains many useful markers, and you can add custom markers by placing PNG files (markers must be in PNG format) in the markers directory and creating a ".ini" file for them. Use the existing .ini files as a guide--start with "markers/colors.ini". Support ------- For feature requests and bug reports, please file an issue in the GMap module issue tracker at