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C++ prototype implementation of a data-oblivious equi-join algorithm.
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Ze Ran Lu / cs888-mitsuba-heitz2018
GNU General Public License v3.0 onlyUpdated -
an implementation of the internet sensation, Wordle.
If the player does not guess the word within 6 attempts, then the game still ends, but the player loses.
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An implementation of a simple text substitution program.
first :She sells second :seafirst second shells by the second shore.
Should produce the output
She sells sea shells by the sea shore.
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Final Project of CS246 at University of Waterloo, Fall 2021
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Through this source which has been written based on VTK toolkit and Leap-motion C++ SDK you can interact with 3D rendered medical images(Dicom data such as CT MRI ...). Some Gestures have been defined and utilized in order to do so. for example, you can impose different color-maps with your hand shaking or you can close your hand to the sensor in order to zoom in or vice versa.
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