@@ -89,14 +89,17 @@ of the kernel. Symbols are the names we have given functions and variables. This
Note: If run.sh fails it means there is still a os161-runner container running. Use `docker kill os161` to kill it.
## Running Userspace assignments
To run the Linux userspace programs, you must start the container using the run.sh script, which takes one argument -- the directory that holds your `c` files. For example,
## Running Linux userspace assignments
To run the Linux userspace programs in the container, that are part of the progrmaming assignment, you must start the container using the `run.sh` script, which takes one argument -- the directory that holds your code for that userspace programming assignment, that is, the `c` files for the programming assignments. For example,
sudo ./run.sh ~/cs350-teststudent/a0
When inside the container you can run `./run_assignment.sh ASSTUSER#` where
'#' represents the assignment number.
Once you are inside the container, you can run
./run_assignment.sh ASSTUSER#`
where `#` represents the assignment number.
It is important to note that: when mounting other directories that are not OS/161, the `build_kernel` and `test_kernel` functionality will not work.