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Tags give the ability to mark specific points in history as being important
  • 5.40.2
    feaf5871 · Mark version 5.40.2 ·
    Version 5.40.2
    ### Bug fixes
    Fix firing of `gutterContextMenu` event on Firefox.
    Add `hintWords` (basic completion) helper to [clojure](, [mllike](, [julia](, [shell](, and [r]( modes.
    [clojure mode]( Clean up and improve.
  • 5.40.0
    b6d92910 · Mark version 5.40.0 ·
    Version 5.40.0
    ### Bug fixes
    [closebrackets addon]( Fix issue where bracket-closing wouldn't work before punctuation.
    [panel addon]( Fix problem where replacing the last remaining panel dropped the newly added panel.
    [hardwrap addon]( Fix an infinite loop when the indention is greater than the target column.
    [jinja2]( and [markdown]( modes: Add comment metadata.
    ### New features
    New method [`phrase`]( and option [`phrases`]( to make translating UI text in addons easier.
  • 5.39.2
    4334727f · Mark release 5.39.2 ·
    Version 5.39.2
    ### Bug fixes
    Fix issue where when you pass the document as a `Doc` instance to the `CodeMirror` constructor, the `mode` option was ignored.
    Fix bug where line height could be computed wrong with a line widget below a collapsed line.
    Fix overeager `.npmignore` dropping the `bin/source-highlight` utility from the distribution.
    [show-hint addon]( Fix behavior when backspacing to the start of the line with completions open.
  • 5.39.0
    d32c5d35 · Mark version 5.39.0 ·
    Version 3.39.0
    ### Bug fixes
    Fix issue that in some circumstances caused content to be clipped off at the bottom after a resize.
    [markdown mode]( Improve handling of blank lines in HTML tags.
    ### New features
    [stex mode]( Add an `inMathMode` option to start the mode in math mode.
  • 5.38.0
    05e27d8d · Mark version 5.38.0 ·
    Version 5.38.0
    ### Bug fixes
    Improve reliability of noticing a missing mouseup event during dragging.
    Make sure `getSelection` is always called on the correct document.
    Fix interpretation of line breaks and non-breaking spaces inserted by renderer in contentEditable mode.
    Work around some browsers inexplicably making the fake scrollbars focusable.
    Make sure `coordsChar` doesn't return positions inside collapsed ranges.
    [javascript mode]( Support block scopes, bindingless catch, bignum suffix, `s` regexp flag.
    [markdown mode]( Adjust a wasteful regexp.
    [show-hint addon]( Allow opening the control without any item selected.
    ### New features
    New theme: [darcula](
    [dialog addon]( Add a CSS class (`dialog-opened`) to the editor when a dialog is open.
  • 5.37.0
    00f50fb6 · Mark version 5.37.0 ·
    Version 5.37.0
    ### Bug fixes
    Suppress keypress events during composition, for platforms that don't properly do this themselves.
    [xml-fold addon]( Improve handling of line-wrapped opening tags.
    [javascript mode]( Improve TypeScript support.
    [python mode]( Highlight expressions inside format strings.
    ### New features
    [vim bindings]( Add support for '(' and ')' movement.
    New themes: [idea](, [ssms](, [gruvbox-dark](
  • 5.36.0
    860e9518 · Mark version 5.36.0 ·
    Version 5.36.0
    ### Bug fixes
    Make sure all document-level event handlers are registered on the document that the editor is part of.
    Fix issue that prevented edits whose origin starts with `+` from being combined in history events for an editor-less document.
    [multiplex addon]( Improve handling of indentation.
    [merge addon]( Use CSS `:after` element to style the scroll-lock icon.
    [javascript-hint addon]( Don't provide completions in JSON mode.
    [continuelist addon]( Fix numbering error.
    [show-hint addon]( Make `fromList` completion strategy act on the current token up to the cursor, rather than the entire token.
    [markdown mode]( Fix a regexp with potentially exponental complexity.
    ### New features
    New theme: [lucario](
  • 5.35.0
    33301204 · Mark version 5.35.0 ·
    Version 5.35.0
    ### Bug fixes
    Fix problem where selection undo might change read-only documents.
    Fix crash when calling `addLineWidget` on a document that has no attached editor.
    [searchcursor addon]( Fix behavior of `^` in multiline regexp mode.
    [match-highlighter addon]( Fix problem with matching words that have regexp special syntax in them.
    [sublime bindings]( Fix `addCursorToSelection` for short lines.
    [javascript mode]( Support TypeScript intersection types, dynamic `import`.
    [stex mode]( Fix parsing of `\(` `\)` delimiters, recognize more atom arguments.
    [haskell mode]( Highlight more builtins, support `<*` and `*>`.
    [sql mode]( Make it possible to disable backslash escapes in strings for dialects that don't have them, do this for MS SQL.
    [dockerfile mode]( Highlight strings and ports, recognize more instructions.
    ### New features
    [vim bindings]( Support alternative delimiters in replace command.
  • 5.34.0
    77bf4007 · Mark version 5.34.0 ·
    Version 5.34.0
    ### Bug fixes
    [markdown mode]( Fix a problem where inline styles would persist across list items.
    [sublime bindings]( Fix the `toggleBookmark` command.
    [closebrackets addon]( Improve behavior when closing triple quotes.
    [xml-fold addon]( Fix folding of line-broken XML tags.
    [shell mode]( Better handling of nested quoting.
    [javascript-lint addon]( Clean up and simplify.
    [matchbrackets addon]( Fix support for multiple editors at the same time.
    ### New features
    New themes: [oceanic-next]( and [shadowfox](
  • 5.33.0
    2f4fb805 · Mark version 5.33.0 ·
    Version 5.33.0
    ### Bug fixes
    [lint addon]( Make updates more efficient.
    [css mode]( The mode is now properly case-insensitive.
    [continuelist addon]( Fix broken handling of unordered lists introduced in previous release.
    [swift]( and [scala]( modes: Support nested block comments.
    [mllike mode]( Improve OCaml support.
    [sublime bindings]( Use the proper key bindings for `addCursorToNextLine` and `addCursorToPrevLine`.
    ### New features
    [jsx mode]( Support JSX fragments.
    [closetag addon]( Add an option to disable auto-indenting.
  • 5.32.0
    89595f55 · Mark version 5.32.0 ·
    Version 5.32.0
    ### Bug fixes
    Increase contrast on default bracket-matching colors.
    [javascript mode]( Recognize TypeScript type parameters for calls, type guards, and type parameter defaults. Improve handling of `enum` and `module` keywords.
    [comment addon]( Fix bug when uncommenting a comment that spans all but the last selected line.
    [searchcursor addon]( Fix bug in case folding.
    [emacs bindings]( Prevent single-character deletions from resetting the kill ring.
    [closebrackets addon]( Tweak quote matching behavior.
    ### New features
    [continuelist addon]( Increment ordered list numbers when adding one.
  • 5.31.0
    f936d89e · Mark version 5.31.0 ·
    Version 5.31.0
    ### Bug fixes
    Further improve selection drawing and cursor motion in right-to-left documents.
    [vim bindings]( Fix ctrl-w behavior, support quote-dot and backtick-dot marks, make the wide cursor visible in contentEditable [input mode](
    [continuecomment addon]( Fix bug when pressing enter after a single-line block comment.
    [markdown mode]( Fix issue with leaving indented fenced code blocks.
    [javascript mode]( Fix bad parsing of operators without spaces between them. Fix some corner cases around semicolon insertion and regexps.
    ### New features
    Modes added with [`addOverlay`]( now have access to a [`baseToken`]( method on their input stream, giving access to the tokens of the underlying mode.
  • 5.30.0
    a0c56295 · Mark version 5.30.0 ·
    Version 5.30.0
    ### Bug fixes
    Fixed a number of issues with drawing right-to-left selections and mouse selection in bidirectional text.
    [search addon]( Fix crash when restarting search after doing empty search.
    [mark-selection addon](http://cm/doc/manual.html#addon_mark-selection): Fix off-by-one bug.
    [tern addon]( Fix bad request made when editing at the bottom of a large document.
    [javascript mode]( Improve parsing in a number of corner cases.
    [markdown mode]( Fix crash when a sub-mode doesn't support indentation, allow uppercase X in task lists.
    [gfm mode]( Don't highlight SHA1 'hashes' without numbers to avoid false positives.
    [soy mode]( Support injected data and `@param` in comments.
    ### New features
    [simple mode addon]( Allow groups in regexps when `token` isn't an array.
  • 5.29.0
    ab868db8 · Mark version 5.29.0 ·
    Version 5.29.0
    ### Bug fixes
    Fix crash in contentEditable input style when editing near a bookmark.
    Make sure change origins are preserved when splitting changes on [read-only marks](
    [javascript mode]( More support for TypeScript syntax.
    [d mode]( Support nested comments.
    [python mode]( Improve tokenizing of operators.
    [markdown mode]( Further improve CommonMark conformance.
    [css mode]( Don't run comment tokens through the mode's state machine.
    [shell mode]( Allow strings to span lines.
    [search addon]( Fix crash in persistent search when `extraKeys` is null.
  • 5.28.0
    6df6280e · Mark version 5.28.0 ·
    Version 5.28.0
    ### Bug fixes
    Fix copying of, or replacing editor content with, a single dash character when copying a big selection in some corner cases.
    Make [`"goLineLeft"`](`"goLineRight"` behave better on wrapped lines.
    [sql mode]( Fix tokenizing of multi-dot operator and allow digits in subfield names.
    [searchcursor addon]( Fix infinite loop on some composed character inputs.
    [markdown mode]( Make list parsing more CommonMark-compliant.
    [gfm mode]( Highlight colon syntax for emoji.
    ### New features
    Expose [`startOperation`]( and `endOperation` for explicit operation management.
    [sublime bindings]( Add extend-selection (Ctrl-Alt- or Cmd-Shift-Up/Down).
  • 5.27.4
    b695f230 · Mark version 5.27.4 ·
    Version 5.27.4
    ### Bug fixes
    Fix crash when using mode lookahead.
    [markdown mode]( Don't block inner mode's indentation support.
  • 5.27.2
    682cb4fc · Mark version 5.27.2 ·
    Version 5.27.2
    ### Bug fixes
    Fix crash in the [simple mode]( addon.
  • 5.27.0
    314bd7fd · Mark version 5.27.0 ·
    Version 5.27.0
    ### Bug fixes
    Fix infinite loop in forced display update.
    Properly disable the hidden textarea when `readOnly` is `"nocursor"`.
    Calling the `Doc` constructor without `new` works again.
    [sql mode]( Handle nested comments.
    [javascript mode]( Improve support for TypeScript syntax.
    [markdown mode]( Fix bug where markup was ignored on indented paragraph lines.
    [vim bindings]( Referencing invalid registers no longer causes an uncaught exception.
    [rust mode]( Add the correct MIME type.
    [matchbrackets addon]( Document options.
    ### New features
    Mouse button clicks can now be bound in keymaps by using names like `"LeftClick"` or `"Ctrl-Alt-MiddleTripleClick"`. When bound to a function, that function will be passed the position of the click as second argument.
    The behavior of mouse selection and dragging can now be customized with the [`configureMouse`]( option.
    Modes can now look ahead across line boundaries with the [`StringStream`](`.lookahead` method.
    Introduces a `"type"` token type, makes modes that recognize types output it, and add styling for it to the themes.
    New [`pasteLinesPerSelection`]( option to control the behavior of pasting multiple lines into multiple selections.
    [searchcursor addon]( Support multi-line regular expression matches, and normalize strings when matching.
  • 5.26.0
    a66bcf59 · Mark version 5.26.0 ·
    Version 5.26.0
    ### Bug fixes
    In textarea-mode, don't reset the input field during composition.
    More careful restoration of selections in widgets, during editor redraw.
    [javascript mode]( More TypeScript parsing fixes.
    [julia mode]( Fix issue where the mode gets stuck.
    [markdown mode]( Understand cross-line links, parse all bracketed things as links.
    [soy mode]( Support single-quoted strings.
    [go mode]( Don't try to indent inside strings or comments.
    ### New features
    [vim bindings]( Parse line offsets in line or range specs.
  • 5.25.2
    2474ce6e · Mark version 5.25.2 ·
    Version 5.25.2
    ### Bug fixes
    Better handling of selections that cover the whole viewport in contentEditable-mode.
    No longer accidentally scroll the editor into view when calling `setValue`.
    Work around Chrome Android bug when converting screen coordinates to editor positions.
    Make sure long-clicking a selection sets a cursor and doesn't show the editor losing focus.
    Fix issue where pointer events were incorrectly disabled on Chrome's overlay scrollbars.
    [javascript mode]( Recognize annotations and TypeScript-style type parameters.
    [shell mode]( Handle nested braces.
    [markdown mode]( Make parsing of strong/em delimiters CommonMark-compliant.