WCMS Docker setup
CAUTION! This Docker box is meant for local development only. This set up is not hardened and is not secure, so only us it as a local development environment.
First we need to build the images:
docker-compose build --no-cache
Once that's done you can create the containers, running with -d runs them in detached mode:
docker-compose up -d
To check that all the boxes are running:
docker-compose ps
portainer can be accessed at :9000 you can use this to easily log in to the web container to run the profile rebuild etc.
If you get an error running docker-compose related to wincred
got to ~/.docker/config.json
and remove the "credstore":"wincred"
but leave the curly braces {}
and save the file.
To check the ip address of your docker machine:
docker-machine ip default