ISTWCMS 4529: Add and configure roleassign module
requested to merge feature/ISTWCMS-4529-l26yan-Add-and-configure-roleassign-module into 8.x-1.x
/istwcms 4529 l26yan add and configure roleassign module
Edited by Liam Morland
Merge request reports
added 6 commits
06a0414c...6add1c8c - 3 commits from branch
- 0f456d93 - ISTWCMS-4529 Add Role Assign module
- 14623043 - ISTWCMS-4529 Add role assign dependencies to views.view.user_admin_people.yml
- 69f9ba46 - ISTWCMS-4529 Add Role Assign settings
Toggle commit list-
06a0414c...6add1c8c - 3 commits from branch
mentioned in commit 65e27e01
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