Feature/istwcms 6638 l26yan using layout builder iframe modal instead layout builder modal
requested to merge feature/ISTWCMS-6638-l26yan-Using-layout_builder_iframe_modal-instead-layout_builder_modal into 1.1.x
Merge request reports
Filter activity
assigned to @kpaxman
added 7 commits
9911f009...5dcc676a - 2 commits from branch
- dabe5d1e - ISTWCMS-6638 Remove layout_builder_modal
- 0646a277 - ISTWCMS-6638 Add layout_builder_iframe_modal
- 5fd42b79 - ISTWCMS-6638 Uninstall layout_builder_modal and install layout_builder_iframe_modal
- ca70ed8a - ISTWCMS-6638 Add layout_builder_iframe_modal configuration
- 37fd40e3 - ISTWCMS-6638: remove routes that aren't currently modals
Toggle commit list-
9911f009...5dcc676a - 2 commits from branch
added 12 commits
37fd40e3...4b8838ac - 7 commits from branch
- cd109efb - ISTWCMS-6638 Remove layout_builder_modal
- 237c73a5 - ISTWCMS-6638 Add layout_builder_iframe_modal
- e70ae7af - ISTWCMS-6638 Uninstall layout_builder_modal and install layout_builder_iframe_modal
- c2c09b06 - ISTWCMS-6638 Add layout_builder_iframe_modal configuration
- 8c24947a - ISTWCMS-6638: remove routes that aren't currently modals
Toggle commit list-
37fd40e3...4b8838ac - 7 commits from branch
added 75 commits
8c24947a...ac15876e - 70 commits from branch
- 480a1994 - ISTWCMS-6638 Remove layout_builder_modal
- e7dbb579 - ISTWCMS-6638 Add layout_builder_iframe_modal
- ea03c06a - ISTWCMS-6638 Uninstall layout_builder_modal and install layout_builder_iframe_modal
- 465e34db - ISTWCMS-6638 Add layout_builder_iframe_modal configuration
- dc2e79c4 - ISTWCMS-6638: remove routes that aren't currently modals
Toggle commit list-
8c24947a...ac15876e - 70 commits from branch
added 8 commits
dc2e79c4...f2a059f4 - 3 commits from branch
- 215905fb - ISTWCMS-6638 Remove layout_builder_modal
- 79189126 - ISTWCMS-6638 Add layout_builder_iframe_modal
- 3f7dbf19 - ISTWCMS-6638 Uninstall layout_builder_modal and install layout_builder_iframe_modal
- 4da04a1e - ISTWCMS-6638 Add layout_builder_iframe_modal configuration
- 808ba558 - ISTWCMS-6638: remove routes that aren't currently modals
Toggle commit list-
dc2e79c4...f2a059f4 - 3 commits from branch
added 14 commits
808ba558...9d94c442 - 9 commits from branch
- f243ed67 - ISTWCMS-6638 Remove layout_builder_modal
- f9931487 - ISTWCMS-6638 Add layout_builder_iframe_modal
- 600ebe9a - ISTWCMS-6638 Uninstall layout_builder_modal and install layout_builder_iframe_modal
- 11db1dd5 - ISTWCMS-6638 Add layout_builder_iframe_modal configuration
- 1f3b127b - ISTWCMS-6638: remove routes that aren't currently modals
Toggle commit list-
808ba558...9d94c442 - 9 commits from branch
added 15 commits
1f3b127b...9a76e76e - 10 commits from branch
- 0849a0ab - ISTWCMS-6638 Remove layout_builder_modal
- 5a7fbdb3 - ISTWCMS-6638 Add layout_builder_iframe_modal
- 2ecfea40 - ISTWCMS-6638 Uninstall layout_builder_modal and install layout_builder_iframe_modal
- 6e9568af - ISTWCMS-6638 Add layout_builder_iframe_modal configuration
- bca1fa56 - ISTWCMS-6638: remove routes that aren't currently modals
Toggle commit list-
1f3b127b...9a76e76e - 10 commits from branch
added 26 commits
bca1fa56...aacb6d36 - 21 commits from branch
- 3e830c45 - ISTWCMS-6638 Remove layout_builder_modal
- 38329a01 - ISTWCMS-6638 Add layout_builder_iframe_modal
- a7f3e46e - ISTWCMS-6638 Uninstall layout_builder_modal and install layout_builder_iframe_modal
- ab570393 - ISTWCMS-6638 Add layout_builder_iframe_modal configuration
- 06b2d60d - ISTWCMS-6638: remove routes that aren't currently modals
Toggle commit list-
bca1fa56...aacb6d36 - 21 commits from branch
added 7 commits
06b2d60d...6cbca8fd - 2 commits from branch
- 28e94879 - ISTWCMS-6638 Remove layout_builder_modal
- bbf32e53 - ISTWCMS-6638 Add layout_builder_iframe_modal
- 1b43066b - ISTWCMS-6638 Uninstall layout_builder_modal and install layout_builder_iframe_modal
- 5b3a7bd3 - ISTWCMS-6638 Add layout_builder_iframe_modal configuration
- 61feec90 - ISTWCMS-6638: remove routes that aren't currently modals
Toggle commit list-
06b2d60d...6cbca8fd - 2 commits from branch
added 11 commits
61feec90...49cc398c - 6 commits from branch
- ce61eae8 - ISTWCMS-6638 Remove layout_builder_modal
- 456e4142 - ISTWCMS-6638 Add layout_builder_iframe_modal
- 5acf0da0 - ISTWCMS-6638 Uninstall layout_builder_modal and install layout_builder_iframe_modal
- 5d0d80f8 - ISTWCMS-6638 Add layout_builder_iframe_modal configuration
- bbedf523 - ISTWCMS-6638: remove routes that aren't currently modals
Toggle commit list-
61feec90...49cc398c - 6 commits from branch
added 9 commits
bbedf523...72515f6b - 4 commits from branch
- 93ddd699 - ISTWCMS-6638 Remove layout_builder_modal
- 20f57610 - ISTWCMS-6638 Add layout_builder_iframe_modal
- 2644a961 - ISTWCMS-6638 Uninstall layout_builder_modal and install layout_builder_iframe_modal
- e35b3df7 - ISTWCMS-6638 Add layout_builder_iframe_modal configuration
- 941d7e2e - ISTWCMS-6638: remove routes that aren't currently modals
Toggle commit list-
bbedf523...72515f6b - 4 commits from branch
added 6 commits
a79e24ba - 1 commit from branch
- 8112e741 - ISTWCMS-6638 Remove layout_builder_modal
- fc5c497f - ISTWCMS-6638 Add layout_builder_iframe_modal
- cf206298 - ISTWCMS-6638 Uninstall layout_builder_modal and install layout_builder_iframe_modal
- a8c52c19 - ISTWCMS-6638 Add layout_builder_iframe_modal configuration
- f453d62e - ISTWCMS-6638: remove routes that aren't currently modals
Toggle commit list-
a79e24ba - 1 commit from branch
added 7 commits
f453d62e...f3967268 - 2 commits from branch
- a4bd007c - ISTWCMS-6638 Remove layout_builder_modal
- 786b085e - ISTWCMS-6638 Add layout_builder_iframe_modal
- 9b1870f3 - ISTWCMS-6638 Uninstall layout_builder_modal and install layout_builder_iframe_modal
- ae63f7c2 - ISTWCMS-6638 Add layout_builder_iframe_modal configuration
- 7c58961b - ISTWCMS-6638: remove routes that aren't currently modals
Toggle commit list-
f453d62e...f3967268 - 2 commits from branch
added 1 commit
- 40784c7e - ISTWCMS-6638: fix code standards issue introduced by manual rebase
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