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WiseMove Release (TOMAC-init).

Jae Young Lee requested to merge wise-move-tomac-init into master

A release that contains the code to reproduce the results reported in the initial submission of

Balakrishnan, A., Lee, J., Gaurav, A., Czarnecki, K. and Sedwards, S.,
"Transfer Reinforcement Learning for Autonomous Driving: From WiseMove to WiseSim,"
submitted to the Special Issue of ACM Transactions on Modeling and Computer Simulation (TOMACS), 2020.

  • Please see to install the release with 1) all required packages and 2) anaconda virtual environment or docker.

  • To reproduce the results, please follow the procedure explained at (1. cross_intersection).

  • The improved code for the original WiseMove is also provided (click here or see above), but to reproduce the reported numbers in QEST2019, please check out the branch wise-move-qest-2019 and then follow the instruction in therein.

Edited by Jae Young Lee

Merge request reports
