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WiseMove is a hierarchical framework to investigate safe reinforcement learning, using incremental "learntime" verification of temporal logic constraints.


  • Python 3.6.8
  • Sphinx
  • Please check requirements.txt for python package list.


  • Run the install dependencies script: ./scripts/ to install pip3 and the required python packages.

Note: The script checks if the dependencies folder exists in the project root folder. If it does, it will install from the local packages in that folder, otherwise it will install the required packages from the internet.

If you do not have an internet connection and the dependencies folder does not exist, you will need to run ./scripts/ using a machine with an internet connection first, then transfer that folder.


  • Open ./documentation/index.html to view the documentation
  • If the file does not exist, use command ./scripts/ build to generate the documentation first. Note that this requires Sphinx to be installed.

Replicate Results

Given below are the minimum steps required to replicate the results reported in

Lee, J., Balakrishnan, A., Gaurav, A., Czarnecki, K. and Sedwards, S.,
"WiseMove: a framework to investigate safe deep reinforcement learning for autonomous driving,"
In: Parker D., Wolf V. (eds) Quantitative Evaluation of Systems. QEST 2019. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol. 11785. Springer, Cham, Sep., 2019.

For a detailed user guide, it is recommended to view the documentation.

  • Open terminal and navigate to the root of the project directory.

  • Low-level policies:

    • Use python3 --help to see all available commands.
    • You can choose to test the provided pre-trained options:
      • To visually inspect all pre-trained options: python3 --test
      • To evaluate all pre-trained options: python3 --evaluate
      • To visually inspect a specific pre-trained policy: python3 --option=wait --test.
      • To evaluate a specific pre-trained policy: python3 --option=wait --evaluate.
      • Available options are: wait, changelane, stop, keeplane, follow
    • Or, you can train and test all the options, noting that this may take some time. Newly trained policies are saved to the root folder by default.
      • To train all low-level policies from scratch (~40 minutes): python3 --train.
      • To visually inspect all the new low-level policies: python3 --test --saved_policy_in_root.
      • To evaluate all the new low-level policies: python3 --evaluate --saved_policy_in_root.
      • Make sure the training is fully complete before running the above test/evaluation.
    • It is faster to verify the training of a few options using the commands below (Recommended):
      • To train a single low-level policy, e.g., changelane (~6 minutes): python3 --option=changelane --train. This is saved to the root folder.
      • To evaluate the new changelane: python3 --option=changelane --evaluate --saved_policy_in_root
      • Available options are: wait, changelane, stop, keeplane, follow
    • To replicate the experiments without additional properties:
      • Note that we have not provided a pre-trained policy that is trained without additional LTL.
      • You will need to train it by adding the argument --without_additional_ltl_properties to the above training procedures. For example, python3 --option=changelane --train --without_additional_ltl_properties
      • Now, use --evaluate to evaluate this new policy: python3 --option=changelane --evaluate --saved_policy_in_root
    • **The results of --evaluate here is one trial. ** In the experiments reported in the paper, we conduct multiple such trials.
  • High-level policy:

    • Use python3 --help to see all available commands.
    • You can use the provided pre-trained high-level policy:
      • To visually inspect this policy: python3 --test
      • To replicate the experiment used for reported results (~5 minutes): python3 --evaluate
    • Or, you can train the high-level policy from scratch. Note that this takes some time:
      • To train using pre-trained low-level policies for 0.2 million steps (~50 minutes): python3 --train
      • To visually inspect this new policy: python3 --test --saved_policy_in_root
      • To replicate the experiment used for reported results (~5 minutes): python3 --evaluate --saved_policy_in_root.
    • Since above training takes a long time, you can instead verify using a lower number of steps:
      • To train for 0.1 million steps (~25 minutes): python3 --train --nb_steps=100000
      • Note that this has a much lower success rate of ~75%. Using this for MCTS will not reproduce the reported results.
    • The average success and standard deviation in the evaluation corresponds to the results of high-level policy experiments.
  • MCTS:

    • Use python3 --help to see all available commands.
    • You can run MCTS on the provided pre-trained high-level policy:
      • To visually inspect MCTS on the pre-trained policy: python3 --test --nb_episodes=10
      • To replicate the experiment used for reported results: python3 --evaluate. Note that this takes a very long time (~16 hours).
      • For a shorter version of the experiment: python3 --evaluate --nb_trials=2 --nb_episodes=10 (~20 minutes)
    • Or, if you have trained a high-level policy from scratch, you can run MCTS on it:
      • To visually inspect MCTS on the new policy: python3 --test --highlevel_policy_in_root --nb_episodes=10
      • To replicate the experiment used for reported results: python3 --evaluate --highlevel_policy_in_root. Note that this takes a very long time (~16 hours).
      • For a shorter version of the experiment: python3 --evaluate --highlevel_policy_in_root --nb_trials=2 --nb_episodes=10 (~20 minutes)
    • You can use the arguments --depth and --nb_traversals to vary the depth of the MCTS tree (default is 5) and number of traversals done (default is 50).
    • The average success and standard deviation in the evaluation corresponds to the results from MCTS experiments.

The time taken to execute the above scripts may vary depending on your configuration. The reported results were obtained using a system of the following specs:

Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-7700 CPU @ 3.60GHz
16GB memory
Nvidia GeForce GTX 1080 Ti
Ubuntu 16.04

Coding Standards

We follow PEP8 style guidelines for coding and PEP257 for documentation. It is not necessary to keep these in mind while coding, but before submitting a pull request, do these two steps for each python file you have modified.

  1. yapf -i
  2. docformatter --in-place

yapf formats the code and docformatter formats the docstrings.